Diet-Related diseases and Special diets

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Causes of obesity

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Causes of obesity

Overeating, Lack of exercise, poor nutritional knowledge/eating patterns, low income, busy lifestyles, emotional reasons, medical conditions

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Associated health problems with obesity

Heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, varicose veins, gout

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Treatment of obesity

Maintain a balanced diet, reduce portion sizes, cut down on energy intake, increase daily exercise, plan meals in advance, avoid convenience foods

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Types of vegetarianism

Vegans, Lacto-vegetarians

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Reasons for vegetarianism

Ethical reasons, health, religion, environmental, preference

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Guidelines for vegetarianism

Eggs and cheese, plant-based protein sources, foods fortified with vitamin B12/supplement, iron-rich plant foods

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Health problems associated with too much salt

High bloodpressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, fluid retention, kidney damage

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Reducing salt intake

No salt on the table, don’t add when cooking, avoid processed foods, salty snacks & cured meats, use low-salt products, study food labels

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Health problems associated with too much saturated fat

Coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke

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Reducing saturated fat intake

Avoid high-cholesterol foods, choose low-cholesterol, trim off excess fat, avoid ret meat, grill, bake, steam, microwave, avoid fatty snacks

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Increasing fibre intake

Choose wholegrain, high-fibre cereals, eat fruit and veg skins, snack on high fibre foods, drink plenty of water

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Health problems associated with too much sugar

Obesity, type 2 diabetes, dental disease

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Reducing sugar intake

Avoid junk foods, use artificial sweeteners, choose low-sugar snacks, study food labels

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Type 1 diabetes

Usually diagnosed in childhood, hereditary, daily injections needed, pancreas produces little to no insulin

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Type 2 diabetes

Associated with being overweight, usually occurs 40+, usually treated by tablets, weight loss and a low sugar diet

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Guidelines for diabetes

Follow medical advice, take insulin, monitor blood sugar levels, eat regular meals, high-fibre carbohydrates, maintain a healthy weight

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Immune systems reacts to particular substances

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Can harm long term health

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Coeliac disease

Villi of SI damaged by gluten

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Lactose intolerance

Lactose cannot be digested

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