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Acquired Immunity
antibodies are produced within the person and it is long lasting protection
two types: natural and artificial
an inherited disorder in which patients lack ability to produce antibodies
a substance that causes an allergic response
results from the release of chemical mediators from basophils
Antigen-antibody complex
an antibody combined with an antigen and is capable of activating the complement cascade
foreign organic substances that stimulate the production of antibodies
Attenuated Vaccine
made with a pathogen that been weakened or made harmless
B cells
function to produce antibodies against antigens
Cell mediated immunity
involves a variety of cell types, with antibodies playing only a minor role, if any
Conjugate vaccine
vaccine in which combines a weak antigen with a strong antigen
Delayed type hypersensitivity reactions
also known as type IV
part of cell mediated immunity
prime mode of defense against intracellular bacteria and fungi
DNA vaccine
Humoral Immunity
glycoproteins called antibodies are produced by B cells to destroy specific microbes
made by combining a single plasma cell and a rapidly dividing tumor cell
Hypersensitivity Reactions
overly sensitive or reactive immune system
Immediate type hypersensitivity reactions
Immunosupressed person
Immunocompetent person
Immunodiagnostic procedures
detects either antigens or antibodies in clincial specimens
antibodies are a class of glycoproteins
There are five types: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM
scientific study of the immune system and immune responses
Inactivated vaccine
made with a pathogen that has been killed and is less effective than live vaccines
Monoclonal antibodies
large amounts of specific antibodies produced by hybridomas
Natural Killer (NK) cell
lack typical T or B cell surface markers
kill target cells
Plasma cell
Primary response
the initial immune response to an antigen
some b cells become memory cells
Regulatory T cells
Secondary response
increased production of antibodies following the second exposure to a particular antigen
T cells
3 categories of T cells:
T-dependent antigens
T cells are required in their processing
T-independent antigens
the processing of these requires only B cells
Toxoid vaccine
made from a toxin that has been made harmless
a material that can artificially induce immunity