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Built Environment
The human-made space in which people live, work, and engage in leisure activities on a daily basis
Smart Growth
Policies that combat regional sprawl by addressing issues of population density and transportation
Compact Design
Development that grows up (in the form of taller buildings) rather than out (in the form of urban sprawl)
Diverse Housing Options
Policy that encourages building quality housing for people and families of all life stages and income levels in a range of prices within a neighborhood
New Urbanism
An approach to city planning that focuses on fostering European-style cities of dense settlements, attractive architecture, and housing of different types and prices within walking distance to shopping, restaurants, jobs, and public transportation
A zone of grassy, forested, or agricultural land separating urban areas
The classification of land according to restrictions on its use and development
Slow-Growth City
A city that changes its zoning laws to decrease the rate at which the city spreads horizontally, with the goal of avoiding the negative effects of sprawl
Anti-Displacement Tenant Activists
Advocates for poor and working-class residents who are at risk of losing their affordable housing to new development
De Facto Segregation
Racial segregation that is not supported by law but is still apparent