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What does the verb 'abhor' mean?
To regard with disgust and hatred, to hate a kind of behaviour or way of thinking.
What is the definition of 'abjure'?
To state publicly that you will give up a particular belief or way of behaving.
What does 'abortive' mean as an adjective?
Unsuccessful attempt or action.
What does the term 'abrogate' refer to?
To officially end a legal agreement, practice, etc.
What is the meaning of 'abstemious'?
Careful not to have too much food, drink, etc.
What does it mean to 'accost' someone?
To go towards someone you do not know and speak to them in an unpleasant or threatening way.
What is the 'acme' of something?
The highest point of something.
Define 'acrimonious'.
An acrimonious meeting or discussion is one in which people argue a lot and get very angry.
What does 'adroit' describe?
Clever and skilful, especially in the way you use words and arguments.
What does 'alacrity' signify?
Quickness and eagerness.
What is 'altruistic' behaviour?
Behaviour that shows you care about and will help other people, even without an advantage for yourself.
What does 'ameliorate' mean as a verb?
To make a bad situation better or less harmful.
What does 'amicable' refer to?
An agreement, relationship, etc., in which people feel friendly towards each other.
What does the term 'anathema' mean?
Something that is completely the opposite of what you believe in.
What are 'annals'?
A record of events year by year.
Define 'anomaly'.
Something that is noticeable because it is different from what is usual.
What does 'appellation' refer to?
A name or title.
What does 'ardent' mean?
Showing strong positive feelings about an activity and determination to succeed at it.
What is 'artifice'?
The use of clever tricks to deceive someone.
What does it mean if someone is 'artless'?
Natural, honest, and sincere.
Define 'asperity'.
When you say something in a way that is rough or severe, showing impatience.
What does 'assiduous' mean?
Very careful to make sure that something is done properly or completely.
What is the meaning of 'audacity'?
The quality of having enough courage to take risks or say impolite things.
Define 'avarice'.
A desire to have a lot of money that is considered too strong, a form of greed.
What does 'banal' mean?
Ordinary and not interesting because of a lack of new or different ideas.
What does 'belligerent' describe?
Very unfriendly and wanting to argue or fight.
What does 'blatant' refer to?
Something bad that is very clear and easy to see, without embarrassment or shame.
What does 'brash' mean?
Confident in an aggressive way.
Define 'burgeon'.
To begin to grow or develop rapidly.
What is a 'cabal'?
A small group of people who make secret plans, especially to gain political power.
What does 'cache' mean?
A number of things that have been hidden, especially weapons.
What does the verb 'cajole' mean?
To gradually persuade someone to do something by being nice or making promises.
What does 'callous' describe?
Not caring that other people are suffering.
Define 'cant'.
Insincere talk about moral or religious principles.
What does 'capricious' mean?
Likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way.
What does 'caustic' refer to?
A substance that burns through things by chemical action.
What does 'choleric' mean?
Bad tempered or angry.
What is a 'clique'?
A small group of people who think they are special and do not want others to join them.
What does 'cogent' mean?
A statement that seems correct and reasonable.
Define 'complacent'.
Pleased with a situation, so that you stop trying to improve or change things.
What does 'complicity' refer to?
Involvement in a crime, together with other people.
What is a 'conflagration'?
A large fire that destroys buildings, forests, etc.
Define 'conjecture'.
To form ideas or opinions without having information, guessing.
What does 'consternation' mean?
Feeling of worry, shock or fear.
What does it mean to 'contort' something?
To twist it out of its normal shape.
What does 'culpable' signify?
Deserving blame.
What does 'cursory' mean?
Done very quickly without much attention to details.
What is 'dearth'?
A lack of something people are in need of.
Define 'debris'.
The pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed.
What does 'decadence' refer to?
Behaviour showing low moral standards, concerned with pleasure more than serious matters.
What does 'decrepit' mean?
In old and bad condition.
What is 'deleterious' behaviour?
Damaging or harmful.
Define 'demur'.
To express doubt about or opposition to a plan or suggestion.
What does 'denouement' refer to?
The exciting last part of a story or play.
What does 'derogatory' mean?
Insulting and disapproving remarks.
What is 'desultory'?
Done without any particular plan or purpose.
What does 'detriment' mean?
Harm or damage.
What is a 'diatribe'?
A long speech or writing that criticizes someone or something severely.
What does 'dilatory' mean?
Slow in doing something.
What does it mean to 'discern' something?
To notice or understand it by thinking about it carefully.
What does 'disparate' refer to?
Consisting of things or people that are very different.
What does 'disseminate' mean?
To spread information or ideas to many people.
Define 'duress'.
Illegal or unfair threats.
What is an 'edifice'?
A large building.
What does 'efficacy' mean?
The ability of something to produce the right result.
Define 'egregious'.
Extremely bad and noticeable mistake, failure, or problem.
What does 'elicit' mean?
To succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone.
What is the meaning of 'eminent'?
A person who is well-known, important, and respected.
What does 'encomium' refer to?
An expression of a lot of praise.
What is 'ennui'?
A feeling of being tired, bored, and unsatisfied with life.
Define 'epitome'.
The perfect example of something.
What does 'eschew' mean?
To deliberately avoid doing or using something.
What is a 'euphemism'?
A polite word or expression used instead of a more direct one.
What does 'evanescent' mean?
Something that does not last very long.
What does 'exacerbate' mean?
To make a bad situation worse.
What does 'excoriate' describe?
To express a very bad opinion of something.
What does 'exculpate' mean?
To prove that someone is not guilty.
Define 'exonerate'.
To state officially that someone who has been blamed is not guilty.
What does 'expunge' mean?
To remove a name or piece of information.
What does 'extol' mean?
To praise something very much.
What does 'extortion' refer to?
Illegally forcing someone to give up something, especially money, by threatening them.
Define 'facetious'.
Saying things intended to be clever and funny but are often annoying.
What does 'fallacious' mean?
Containing or based on false ideas.
What is 'fastidious' behaviour?
Very careful about small details in appearance or work.
What does 'fatuous' mean?
Very silly or stupid.
What does 'felicitous' mean?
Well-chosen and suitable.
What is a 'flagrant' action?
A shocking action that shows no respect for laws or truth.
What does it mean to 'foist' something on someone?
To impose something on someone.
What does 'fortuitous' mean?
Happening by chance, especially in a beneficial way.
Define 'fulsome'.
Sounds insincere because it contains too much praise.
What does 'garrulous' mean?
Always talking a lot.
What does 'germane' mean?
An idea, remark, etc., that is relevant to something.
What does 'gesticulate' describe?
To make movements with arms and hands while speaking.
What does 'gregarious' mean?
Friendly and preferring to be with other people.
What is 'guile'?
The use of clever but dishonest methods to deceive.
What does 'guise' refer to?
The way someone or something appears, which hides the truth.
What does 'gullible' mean?
Too ready to believe what others tell you; easily tricked.
What does 'heinous' describe?
Very shocking and immoral.
What are 'histrionics'?
Loud and emotional behaviour intended to get sympathy and attention.
What does 'hyperbole' mean?
Describing something as much bigger or worse than it actually is.