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how long does it take to build a reactor?
10 years
What is the biggest expense of a nuclear reactor?
interest on the the high capital expenditure, fuel costs are low
fast neutrons
high energy, >1 MeV, produced by fission
thermal neutrons
lower energy, <0.025 eV, likely to cause further fission
what is a nuclear moderator used for?
slows down fast neutrons so they can sustain a nuclear chain reaction
fissile elements
undergo fission if they capture an extra neutron
fertile isotopes
don’t undergo fission, can capture a neutron to turn into a fissile isotope
fission process
slow neutron approaches fissile nucleus
strong interaction leads to capture
unstable nucleus oscillates, increased sfc energy, decrease BE between nucleons
unstable nucleus decays
2 fission products form (usually different mass) and 2-3 neutrons
Becquerel (Bq)
number of nucleus decays/second
Radioactivity or Activity formula
A = m/ma*N*lambda, m = mass of isotope, ma = atomic mass, lambda = decay const., N = avogadro’s const.
absorbed dose (D)
energy deposited by radiation in a material
absorbed dose formula
D = d(epsilon)/dm, d(epsilon) = mean amount of energy, dm = unit mass
Gray (Gy)
unit of absorbed dose, J/kg
Equivalent dose (HT)
Absorbed dose with weighting factor to account for type of radiation
x-ray, gamma ray, electron weighting factor
alpha, heavy ion, fission products weighting factor
Equivalent Dose Formula
HT = sum(WR*DT,R), WR=weighting factor for type of radiation, DT,R = absorbed dose
Effective dose (E)
equivalent dose with weighting factor to account for radio-sensitivity of tissues
Effective dose formula
E = sum(WT*HT), WT = weighting factor for type of tissue, HT = equivalent dose
Sievert (Sv)
unit of equivalent and effective dose, J/kg
Stochastic radiation effects
probability of an effect occuring is a function of dose, no threshold dose, cancer
Non-stochastic radiation effects
severity of effect is a function of dose, threshold dose, skin damage
Aim of radiation protection
reduce probability of stochastic, prevent non-stochastic effects
Radiation Carcinogenesis Model
probability of cancer is linearly proportional to radiation dose
T or F: any radiation dose, no matter how small can cause cancer.
0-0.25 Sv effect
no detectable effect
0.25 - 1 Sv effect
short term reduction of some blood cells, no long term effect
1 - 2 Sv
nausea, fatigue, possible vomiting, long-term blood cell damage
2 - 3 Sv
nausea, vomiting day 1, radiation sickness after 2 weeks, 3 month recovery
3 - 6 Sv
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea after a few hours, intense radiation sickness after 1 week, death possible after 2-6 weeks
>4.5 Sv
50% chance of death
>6 Sv
death nearly 100% likely
Intensity of radiation formula
I = I0*exp(-n*sigma*x) = I0*exp(-mu*x), n = number of atoms/cm³, mu = linear attenuation coeff, sigma = absorption cross section, x = thickness of material, I0 = initial intensity
linear attenuation coeff
fraction of radiation beam that is absorbed or scattered per unit thickness of the material, aka absorption coeff, depends on radiation energy, cm^-1
mass attenuation coeff=
mu/rho, (cm²/g) mu = linear attenuation coeff, rho = density
mass thickness=
rho*x, rho = density, x = thickness of material
absorption cross section
material constant dependent on PROBABILITY of the particle being scattered or absorbed, cm²
attenuation length/mean free path
1/mu, reciprocal of linear attenuation coeff, average distance travelled by a particle before being absorbed or scattered
half-value layer (HVL)
thickness of material required to reduce intensity of radiation by 50%
Fundamental protective measures to reduce external exposure to radiation
total irradiation does not degrade properties of material to any significant extent over time
material used as shielding
total irradiation changes material properties
radiation damage/effects
Photoelectric effect
gamma photon ejects electrons through transfer of energy
ejected electron kinetic energy formula
KE = E(gamma) - BE, E(gamma) = photon energy, BE = electron binding energy
Photoelectric effect dominant for
X-ray emission
released when electrons drop to lower energy orbitals
Compton Scattering
gamma photon ejects electron, but still has enough energy to keep scattering as a lower-energy photon
Compton Scattering dominant for
100 keV - 10MeV
compton edge
maximum possible energy of ejected compton electron
Compton edge formula
E = E(gamma)/(1+4*E(gamma))
Compton scattering formula
wavelength - wavelength’ = h/(me*c)*(1-cos(theta)), wavelength = of incident photon, wavelength’ = wavelength of scattered photon, h = plancks const, me = electron rest mass, c = speed of light, theta = scattering angle
pair production
incident photon interacts with nucleus via COULOMB force and converts into electron-positron pair
positron after pair production
combines with electron and produces two gamma photons
pair production dominates for
1 - 10 MeV
in order of decreasing gamma photon energy types of ionization
pair production, compton scattering, photoelectric effect
Photoelectric effect absorption cross section formula
sigma(pe) = (Zeff)^5/(Ei)³, Ei = incident photon energy
Zeff =
sum(xi*Zi), Zi = atomic number, xi = weight % in the material
Compton scattering absorption cross section formula
sigma(c) = Zeff/Ei, Ei = incident photon energy
Pair production absorption cross section formula
sigma(pp) = (Zeff)²*ln(2*Ei), Ei = incident photon energy
total absorption cross-section formula
sigma(T) = sigma(pe) + sigma(c) + sigma(pp)
Energetic particles ____ atoms as they move through solids, liquids, or gases
stopping power
average energy loss per unit path length, MeV/cm
electronic stopping
slowing down via inelastic collisions between electrons and ion
nuclear stopping
slowing down via elastic collisions between radiation particle and atoms
Stopping power formula
S(E) = Se(E) + Sn(E), Se = electric stopping, Sn = nuclear stopping
Bragg peak
radiation particle’s ionization density increases as it slows down, until it is completely out of energy
range of alpha particle in medium other than air formula
Rm = Ra*(rho(a)/rho(m))*(Am/Aa)^(1/2), m = medium, a = air, rho = density, R = range, A = atomic weight
Linear Energy transfer (LET)
amount of energy ionizing particle transfers to medium it’s passing through, similar to stopping power except doesn’t include nuclear stopping, keV/micrometer
Linear energy transfer formula
L = dE/dx, E = energy, x = distance
Radiation damage process
transfer of energy from incident radiation to lattice atom, causes PKA
movement of PKA away from lattice site, causing other displaced atoms
displacement cascade, vacancies and interstitials cluster
some recovery
point defects
vacancies, interstitials
electronic defect
missing/trapped electrons, excited states
bubbles defect
gas atoms occupying voids
dislocations defect
line defects at grain boundaries
loop defect
line defects that loop back on themselves
frenkel pair defect
atom displaced causes vacancy and interstitial
Schottky defect
equal number of cations and anions missing, creating vacancies but maintaining charge balance
high temperature dominant defect
void swelling
low temperature dominant defects
atoms cannot move as easily, so defects cannot annihilate, material becomes amorphous
amorphous material
lost its crystalline structure
criteria for radiation tolerance
resistance to void swelling and amorphization
critical amorphization dose
at given temperature, dose at which material amorphizes
critical amorphization temperature
at given dose, temperature at which it is no longer possible to amorphize
displacement cross section
probability lattice atom will be displaced by flux of particles
total damage to material
displacements per atom, dpa or displacements per atom over area, dpa/cm²
threshold displacement energy
cut off energy
pka kinetic energy
0 < T < Ed, v(T)?
Ed < T < 2Ed, v(T)?
2Ed < T < E1, v(T)?
E1 < T < inf, v(T)?
Kinchin-pease model
estimation of atoms displaced by PKA
above E1
recoils lose energy through electron excitation
below E1
recoils lose energy through hard-core elastic scattering
gaseous diffusion
UF6 gas passed through porous membranes, lighter U235 diffuses faster than heavier U238, energy intensive
gas centrifugation
UF6 is spun, heavier U238 move to outside and lighter U235 stays near the center, 10x more efficient than diffusion
UF6 production
U308 ore is milled, then reduced to UO2, converted to UF4, oxidation to UF6
Breeding Ratio (R)
average number of fissile atoms produced per fission event, measure of reactor performance