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One important feature of the worlds population with the most significant future implication is that

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One important feature of the worlds population with the most significant future implication is that

the most rapid growth is occurring in the less developed countries

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georgraphers define overpopulation as

too many people compared to carrying capacity

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which of the following would most likely be a part of the ecumene


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the lowest natural increase rates are found in this area of the world


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which of the following encourages high birth rates

all of the above discourage high birth rates

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Country X has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 15. In what stage of the demographic transition is this country?

stage 2

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demographic momentum

means that your tfr may be at replacement rate but you are still growing

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In contrast to the experience of more developed countries, less developed countries entered Stage 2 of the demographic transition through

diffusion of medical advances from other countries

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stages 1 and 4 of the demographic transition are similar in that

both have low nirs

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life expectancy is lowest on average in


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Anti-Malthusians believe that the malthusian thesis is

no longer an issue as the world has continueously produced more resources as population has grown

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which of the following pairs of measurement have an inverse or negetive relationship

hdi and nir

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The principal reason for declining natural increase rates in less developed countries today is

declining crude birth rates

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the epidemiological transition refers to how

all of the above

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Today, world population doubling time is

ten years

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------- have anual natural rates of population increase above 3

niger and uganda

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according to the graph, between 1650 and 1930 population is increaed by

1.5 billion

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global population is

has a growth rate of 1.2

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a population pyramid that is rectangle is

at or near zero population growth

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population policies which favor forced birth control among certain groups in the population


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according to the table, which country has a greater need for increased crop yeilds and imported goods

country A:

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if a population is graying, it is experienceing

a b and c

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which of the following is an economic benefit for a population pryramid shaped like that shown to the right

it gives the country a large pool of workers

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Countries with aging populations attempt to stimulate economic growth to lessen the effect of rising medical and retirement costs by

promoting immigration

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for the last 25 years, the population of russia has been impacted by economic challenges, alcoholism, and social upheaval. what demographic statistic would most likely show the impact of these patterns

life expectancy

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even though fertility rates have been declining in less developed countries the total population has continued to grow. this is because in many ldc's theres a high population percentage of

under the age of 15

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which of these would not effect carrying capacity

all of the above effect carrying capacity

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The term for a person who leaves their home country is _____ while the terms for a person moving into a new country is ____

emigration, immigrant

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which two countries would most likely have an NIR that is negetive in recent years

japan and germany

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Zelinskys migration transition model predicts that

both b and c are correct

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many argentinans who fled the country in the 1970s when the country was ruled by a military dictatorship, returned to the country after democratic elections were held in 1983. this is an example of

a push factor changing to a pull factor

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which factor most often caused a voluntary migration


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a physical feature such as a body of water is an example of

an intervening obstacle

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which of the following profiles describes a member of the population group that is most likekly to migrate

single and 25

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the greatest number of foregein born residents can be found in

the United States

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US qouta laws from the 1920s until the 1960s had the effect of

ensuring the majority of the migrants came from western and northern europe

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How many undocumented immigrants are in the US?

12 million

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migration increased to the US from Latin America and Asia in the late 20th century because

all of the above

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brain drain is

the large scale emigration of talented people

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guest workers in europe and the middle east are

low status foreigners

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which of the following countries has not been a significant source of refugees to the united states over the last 50 years

former yugoslavia

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the largest number of legal immigrants to the US are currently coming from _______ and the largest number of undocumented immigrents currently residing in the US are from ____

Mexico, Mexico

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What is the largest current INTRAregional migration trend in the US

city to suburban

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the most prominent type of migration in the world is

rural to urban

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in the US, which is likely to cause virtually all population growth in the next few decades

net in migration

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during the period from 1910 to 1970, african american families in the US migrated to

the north

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According to Ravenstein, migrants who move longer distances tend to choose

big city destinations

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chain migration occurs when

the migrant follows a travel path establised by family members

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in the period 1882-1907, the US congress passed exclusionary immigrant laws designed to keep _______ out of immigrant streams claiming they would not be able to assimilate into american culture


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which of the following is consistent with the ideas expressed in ernst ravensteins laws of migration

rural area population in LDCS grow more from natural increase than from in migration

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