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What are the 3 types of blood vessels in the body
what are arteries and their function
blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
walls lined with connective tissue/ fibers with an inner wall of epithelial cells ( endothelium)
What are endothelial cells and their function
found in all blood vessels
secrete factors that affect size/ growth of blood cells and reduce blood clotting.
must be strong enough to withstand
What are arterioles and their function
smaller branches of arteries.
carry blood to the tiniest blood vessels ( capillaries. )
smallest blood vessels
walls carry nutrient rich oxygenated blood from arteries/ arterioles → body cells
walls allow passage of oxygen / nutrients of bloodstream → cells.
nutrients burned in presence of oxygen ( catabolism) = release energy.
conduct blood towards heart from tissues.
cardiovascular system
heart ( muscular pump)
blood vessels
What tests are used to diagnose a heart attack
1) ECG
2) Chest X Ray for CHF , pneum
3) Cardiac enzyme - troponin
What does “ lubb “ represent
closure of tricuspid and mitral valve.
What does “dubb” represent
closure of aortic/ pulmonary valve
sound when it shuts ( think clapping )
“ultrasound” of the heart
checks heart valves.
Vital Signs
Blood pressure ( 120/80)
heart rate (60-90 BPM
Pulse Oximetry ( 95-100)
Respiratory Rate (RF): 12-20
Temperature ( 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit)
What is Atrial Fibrillation
most common type of heart arryhthmia, and is a rapid, inefficient, quivering of the heart that is common in the elderly population.
no p wave.
irregular and often rapid heart rhythm.
Coronary Artery Disease
a condition where plaque buildup narrows heart arteries , reducing blood flow and increasing risk of a heart attack
A(an) _____________ assesses the electrical conductivity of the heart.
electrocardiogram ( EKG)
Congestive Heart Failure
a chronic, progressive disability of the heart to effectively pump blood,
include shortness of breath
fluid in lungs/pulmonary edema
abnormal heart sounds
slow heart bpm
less than 60
abnormally fast heart bpm
above 100.
Tetralogy of Fallot
Pulmonary artery stenosis
• Ventricular septal defect
• Overriding aorta
Right ventricular hypertrophy
electrical conductivity of the heart
1) SA Node
2) AV node goes thru bundle of His → septum
3) left and right Bundle Branches
4) Perkinge Fibers.
bloodflow of heart
1) blood flows to heart either through superior vena cave or inferior vena cava.
2) travels through right atrium and goes through the tricuspid valve → right ventricle.
3) blood then goes from right ventricle through the pulmonary valve → pulmonary artery.
drops Co2 and gets O2.
4) after it gets oxegenated it goes through pulmonary vein to the left atrium → mitral valve → left ventricle → aorta.
Blood leaves the right ventricle through
pulmonary artery
The tricuspid valve is located on the __________ side of heart
Normal blood pressure as defined by the American College Cardiology is _____________ or less.
The machine that measures blood pressure is called the __________________.
_What is the hardening of the arteries which can lead to hypertension.
the development of plaque in arteries which narrows blood vessels and reduces blood flow.
Electrical conductivity starts in the SA node in the heart which is known as the pacemaker of the heart.
Electrical conductivity in the heart starts in the SA node; travels to the AV node; then to the Bundle of His; then Bundle Branches; then Perkinje fibers.
abnormal rhythm of the heart.
After the electrical impulse leaves the SA node in the right atrium it travels to the __________
AV node.
What is another name for myocardial infarction
heart attack.
Congestive heart failure
results in fluid in the lungs/pulmonary edema when the heart is unable to pump out blood.
Coronary artery bypass graft ( CABG) is one type of surgical treatment for an occluded (clogged) coronary blood vessels.
___________________________ is the most common cause of sudden cardiac death in young people, and is characterized by _______________ hypertrophy.
Defibrillation is a brief discharge of electricity across the chest in attempt to stop _________________________. This causes the heart to temporarily stop, in hope that is restarts a normal sinus rhythm.
ventricular tachychardia and ventricular fibrillation.
A deep vein thrombosis can sometimes result in a pulmonary embolism. ( True or False)
A echocardiogram is a real time image that can assess heart valves, the thickness of chamber walls, blood flow through the heart, and the amount of blood pumped out the left ventricle. ( True or False)
____________________ is a chronic, progressive disability of the heart to effectively pump blood, and signs/symptoms include shortness of breath,fluid in lungs/pulmonary edema, abnormal heart sounds, and other symptoms.
Congestive Heart Failure
The blood flow from the head RETURNS to the heart through the superior vena cava ( True or False)
A echocardiogram is a real time image that can assess heart valves, the thickness of chamber walls, blood flow through the heart, and the amount of blood pumped out the left ventricle. ( True or FAlse)
A 52 YO obese female c/o continuous chest pain x 3 hours which started today. Pain started when she lifted the garbage in the garbage can. Pain is 7 of 10 and feels like a weight on her chest. Resting makes it better and walking makes it worse. She has nausea, and shortness of breath. She denies vomiting, diabetes, GERD, cough, h/o MI, or family h/o cardiac problems. SHe is a 1 pack per day smoker for 10 years.
Vital Signs
HR 100 BP 167/100 Temp 98.6 Pulse Ox 92%
Physical Exam : Patient looks to be in pain, anxious and diaphoretic ( sweaty)
EKG -normal
What is the next most important test to order?