Brit Lit ID Study Guide

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

this is the scene where Jesus is crucified and died for the sins of humanity

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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Dream Vision

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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?

Dream of the Rood

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?

The Wife of Bath

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<p>What is the author of this work?</p>

What is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Authurian Romance; Brenton Lai

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<p>What is significance of this work?</p>

What is significance of this work?

The wife of Bath is speaking about how people learn two ways, through experience, and what people are told by authority; this is the first reference to here husbands and sexuality.

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?

The Second Shepard’s Play

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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?

The Wakefield Master; Anonymous

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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Mystery Play

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

This is spoken by Gil who is voicing problems faced by women at the time'; she is swearing that if she’s lying about what is in the cradle (the sheep) then she will eat it, which was the intention anyways

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<p>What is the name of the work?</p>

What is the name of the work?


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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Heroic Epic

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

The speaker is comparing Grendel to Caine; both are seen as outsiders/exiled, which raises the question of Grendel being born a monster or becoming a monster for being forced to be an outsider.

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?


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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the genre of the work?</p>

What is the genre of the work?

Morality Play

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

This is the beginning of the play where God is speaking to Death and sends him to bring Everyman for judgement.

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?


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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the genre of this play?</p>

What is the genre of this play?

Morality Play

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

Goods is the last one to deny Everyman when he asks them to come with him to face judgement; essentially telling Everyman that they will do him no good while facing judgement or afterwards.

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?

Dream of Rood

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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Dream Vision

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<p>What is the signifcance of this work?</p>

What is the signifcance of this work?

The cross is buried, hidden, and forgotten for sometime, but is found and resurrected and becomes a sign of victory

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?


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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Heoric Poem

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

Beowulf is comforting Hrothgar after Aeschere was killed by Grendel’s mother and tells him vengeance is better than sorrow

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?

The Wife of Bath

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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?


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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Authurian Romance

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

The wife is using the words of Saint Paul (it is best to be a virgin, but if you are unable to be celibate it is better to be married, and that men and women should fulfill and give each other in the marriage sexually or otherwise) to justify her past husbands.

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<p>What is the name of the work?</p>

What is the name of the work?

The Canterbury Tales

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<p>Who is the author of the work?</p>

Who is the author of the work?


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<p>What is the genre of the work?</p>

What is the genre of the work?

Frame Narrative

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

This is the introduction to the knight painting him as a good, heroic man when he is later found to be demaning and a criminal

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<p>What is the name of this work?</p>

What is the name of this work?

The Second Shepard’s Play

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<p>Who is the author of this work?</p>

Who is the author of this work?

Wakefield Master; Anonymous

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<p>What is the genre of this work?</p>

What is the genre of this work?

Mystery Play

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<p>What is the significance of this work?</p>

What is the significance of this work?

This is the complaint of the first shepard and sets up how difficult life is in their poor community, which is why Mak stealing the sheep is so bad

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