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Concentrated accumulations of minerals from which economically valuable materials can be extracted.
Soil and rock that covers the ore that needs to be removed before excavation.
Elements that can conduct electricity and heat, such as copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), and gold (Au).
Known quantity of a resource that can be recovered.
Materials removed to extract ore, including the rock that is removed to access ore.
Spoil banks
Holes that were filled with waste, cheap and easy to create but susceptible to erosion, causing sediment runoff.
Unwanted part of the ore left over after extracting valuable minerals.
Piles of gangue that remain after the gangue has been processed and finely ground.
Gradual collapse of land resulting from underground coal mining.
Rare earth metals
Includes scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), and lanthanides, often used in technology and manufacturing.
Surface mining
A method of mining that is cheap, safe, but very destructive to the landscape.
Open-pit mining
A mining technique that removes material from a large visible pit, often used when resources are close to the surface.
Strip mining
A mining method that removes strips of soil and rock to extract resources.
Area strip mining
Mining of flat terrain that can lead to erosion.
Contour strip mining
Mining technique used in mountainous areas, creating terraces on inclines.
Mountaintop removal
Mining method that uses explosives to expose mineral seams and deposits tailings in nearby regions.
Placer mining
A technique for extracting minerals or metals from river sediments.
Subsurface mining
A costly and dangerous method of mining that causes less environmental damage.
Underground coal mining
Mining technique involving open shafts to follow coal deposits underground.
Room and pillar mining
Mining technique that leaves pillars of coal to support the structure and prevents collapse.
Longwall mining
Method of extracting minerals using a shearer, effective for horizontal deposits.
Shaft mining
A method that involves a vertical tunnel straight into a mineral deposit.
Slope and drift mining
Mining techniques that involve sloping access shafts (slope) and horizontal access tunnels (drift).
In situ mining
A method of mining that is used for extracting radioactive uranium.
Process of removing sand from the ocean floor, which can restore beaches but harms benthic ecosystems.
Solution mining
Technique that involves pumping water into subsurface mineral deposits to dissolve and bring minerals to the surface.
Hydraulic fracturing
Fracking method that creates fractures in rock by injecting fluid to allow more oil and gas to flow.
Mine adit
An entrance to an underground mine, serving as an access point and drainage area.
The process of finding locations with potential ore deposits.
Mine exploration & development
Evaluating whether ore deposits can be extracted economically.
The extraction of ore from natural deposits.
The process of separating ore from unwanted rock.
Smelting / refining
The process of extracting pure minerals from ore.
Heat bleaching
A method to extract and concentrate rare earth metals from low-grade ore.
The process of moving minerals to the market.
Marketing & sales
Activities involved in finding buyers for mined minerals.
Air pollution from mining
Results from dust particles and emissions of methane and CO2 from fossil fuels.
Soil erosion from mining
Increase in soil erosion and loss of vegetation in strip-mined areas.
Biodiversity loss from mining
Destruction of habitats due to mining activities.
Health impacts of mining
Risks include mine collapses, fires, and diseases from dust exposure, such as pneumoconiosis.
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
Formation of acidic water containing heavy metals resulting from mining activities.
Treatment of AMD
Involves adding lime to create a slurry for clarification and removal of contaminants.
Mine Safety and Health Administration, which enforces health standards in mining.
Mining Law of 1872
Law that allows recovery of ores and fuels from federal lands, with few environmental protections.
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977)
Legislation regulating land disturbance during coal mining and ensuring reclamation.
Clean Air Act
Environmental regulation that controls air emissions from various sources.
Clean Water Act
Regulation that manages the discharge of pollutants into water bodies.
Superfund Act
Legislation that imposes a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries for cleanup of contaminated sites.
Mineral reserve
The economically viable part of a measured mineral resource.
Proven reserve
A reserve with over 90% probability of successful extraction.
Probable reserve
A reserve with a 50% or greater probability of extraction.
Possible reserve
Deposits that are unproved, with a probability of successful extraction of 10% or more.
Sustainability in mining
Practices aiming to recycle heavy metals and reduce consumption of these resources.
Economic Mineralogy
Study of minerals important for commerce and industries.
Blood diamonds
Diamonds mined in conflict zones and sold to fund violence and war.