Environmental Value System
A world view that shapes the way people perceive and evaluate environmental issues
What are environmental value systems influence by?
Cultural, economic, and socio-political factors
Intrinsic value
Something that has value in and of itself. You cannot sell it in return for anything else
A set of inter-related parts working together to make a complex whole
Puts ecology and nature as central to humanity. Emphasizes a less materialistic approach to life with greater self-sufficiency of societies
Believes that technological developments can provide solutions to environmental problems, even when humans are pushing natural systems beyond their natural boundaries
Believes humans must sustainable manage the global systems through the use of taxes, regulations, and legislation
Deep ecologists
Nature is seen as intrinsically important for humanity
Ecological laws dictate morality
Biorights give rights to endangered species or unique landscapes for preservation
Self-reliant soft ecologists
Community focused
Small scale local and individual action such as recycling, seen as making a difference
Focus is on personal and communal improvement
Environmental managers
View of Earth as a garden that needs tending (environmental stewardship)
Legislation is needed to manage and protect the environment
Belief that if humans take care of Earth, Earth will take care of them
Earth has infinite resources to benefit humans
Belief that growth should be driven by free market economy
View that growth can provide wealth for all
Energy or matter entering a system
The result produced at the end of a system
Areas where energy or matter is accumulated inside a system
Movement of energy or matter within a system
Outside/edge of a system
Processes involving a change in location within their system
Lead to the formation of new products or involve a change in state
Open system
Able to exchange matter and energy with their environment Ex. ecosystems
Closed system
Able to exchange energy but not matter Ex. sealed terrariums
Isolated system
Unable to exchange energy and matter Ex. the universe
A simplified version of a system. Shows the flows and storages as well as the structure and workings
Strengths of models
Easier to work with than complex reality
Can be used to predict the effect of a change of output
Can be applied to other similar situations
Help us see patterns
Can be used to visualize really small things and really large things
Limitations of models
Accuracy is lost because the model is simplified
If our assumptions are wrong, the model will be wrong
Predictions may be inaccurate
Different people can interpret models in different ways
May be used politically when that was not the original intent by the creator
1st Law of Thermodynamics
"The Principle of Conservation of Energy." Energy is neither created nor destroyed
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
All hell will eventually break loose. The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time
Measure of the disorder of a system and it refers to the spreading out or dispersal of energy
Formula for energy loss
(Initial input - energy taken in)/initial input * 100 = percentage
Steady State Equilibrium
In an open system, even though inputs and outputs of energy and matter are continuous, the system as a whole remains more or less constant
Stable equilibrium
Returns to the same equilibrium after a disturbance
Unstable equilibrium
Goes to a new equilibrium after a disturbance
Negative feedback loop
Helps organism/system return to its original state
Stabilize as they reduce change Ex. body temperature regulation, predator-prey relationships
Positive feedback loop
Changes a system to a new state
Destabilizes as they increase change
Tipping point
A critical threshold when even a small change can have dramatic effects and cause a disproportionately large response in the overall system
The tendency of a system to avoid tipping points and maintain stability through steady-state equilibrium Ex. Lake eutrophication, extinction of a keystone species, coral reef death
Tragedy of the commons
situation in which people acting individually and in their own interest use up commonly available but limited resources, creating disaster for the entire community
solids, liquids, gases
light, sound, heat
Living organisms
Invasive species/biological agents
Primary pollutants
Pollutants that are active as soon as they are emitted Ex. carbon monoxide
Secondary pollutants
Pollutants that are formed after a primary pollutant has been physically or chemically changed Ex. sulphuric acid formed when sulphur trioxide mixes with water (acid rain)
Point source pollutants
Released from a single, identifiable source
Easy to determine where pollution is coming from
Easier to manage since you know what is causing the pollution
Non-point source pollutants
Pollutants are coming from multiple sources
Pollutants may be transported over distances (runoff from fields, blown by wind
Difficult to determine where pollutants are coming from, making management challenging
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Toxic chemicals that affect human health and the environment
Transported by wind and water
Do not break down easily
Bioaccumulate (buildup) as passed through the food chain
Many POPs were made as pesticides (DDT)
Biodegradable pollutants
Break down quickly in the environment by decomposers, light, and heat Ex. sewage, compost, starches, soap
Acute pollutants
Large amounts of pollutant released at one time
Results in a lot of harm to humans and the environment
Ex. Bhopal disaster, chernobyl
Chronic pollutants
Long-term release of small amounts of pollutants
Often goes undetected
Difficult to clean up
Spreads widely
Ex. Air pollution
Direct measurements
Can be made using different tools Ex. acidity of rainwater (pH probe) Amount of gases in atmosphere (CO2 probe) Particulates emitted by engines (light or turbidity sensor) Soil nitrate and phosphate levels
Indirect measurements
Involve measuring changes in the abiotic or biotic factors as a result of exposure to a pollutant Ex. Abiotic- measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen in a water source Biotic- measuring population of indicator species (organisms that are only found if conditions are polluted, sludge worm, or unpolluted, lichens)
Level 1 of monitoring pollution
Preventing population before it happens
Change human activity that creates pollution
Give alternatives (electric cars, solar power, mass transit)
Level 2 of monitoring pollution
Control release of pollutant
Legislation and regulation (emissions standards for cars)
Develop technology for extracting pollutants (filters)
Level 3 of monitoring pollution
Clean-up and restoration
Last resort, there is already an impact
Extracting and removing pollutant from ecosystem
Replanting/restocking lost or depleted populations
The avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance