Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Japan invaded Manchuria (North East China)
Lytton report took a year - pointless
1933 a second invasion happened
Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
January - October 1935 Mussolini shipped in his army while pretending to negotiate
In December 1934 there was a dispute and Italy claimed Abyssinia as theirs
Weapons were banned to sell to Italy but OIL and COAL weren’t as it would put 30,00 people out of buisness Suez Canal was still open to them as well
Vilnius dispute - Poland and Lithuania
Poland and Lithuania were just independent
Vilnius was announced Lithuania’s capital
Two days later it was annexed
League ordered Poland to withdraw troops but they refused
Aaland islands dispute
Island between Sweden and Finland
Islanders wanted independence
League awarded the Islands to Finland but made them withdraw troops
Swedish islanders had protections
Corfu dispute
General Tellini was supervising the drawing of borders
He was ambushed and assassinated
Mussolini blamed the Greeks
August 31 1923 he bombed and occupied the island of Corfu
The league condemned Italy and they withdrew their troops one month later
Greece was forced to pay 50 million
UNSUCCESSFUL - couldn’t deal with Italy properly
Petrich incident
October 1925
Bulgaria - Greece border
Greece invaded
Bulgaria appealed for help
Greece had to pay £45,00
Greece complained Italy - a big country got little/no punishment