localized storm involving lightning, thunder, strong winds, heavy rain, and sometimes hail and tornadoes.
air that cannot rise to high altitude, by the stopping of adiabatic cooling.
Strong updrafts and unstable air
two conditions required to form thunderstorms
Unstable air
air that can reach high altitudes because the rising air remains warmer than the surrounding air
Cumulus stage
the first stage of a thunderstorm, in which an updraft forms a cumulus cloud that develops into a cumulonimbus cloud
Mature stage
Second stage of a thunderstorm, in which the storm reaches the peak of its strength and precipitation arrives at the earths surface
concentrated downward blast of cold wind during a thunderstorm
smallest, most intense type of downbursts
Dissipating stage
Final stage of a thunderstorm, in which clouds begin to evaporate, precipitation tapers off, and downdrafts grow weaker
individual updraft system of a thunderstorm
Squall line
Long line of advancing thunderstorms
30 minutes
typical lasting of a thunderstorm
Super cell
the most powerful type of thunderstorms; a fierce, single updraft