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Name and function
Cerebellum - responsible for sense of balance; movements are in efficient sequence
Name and function
Midbrain- processing hearing and sight; responsible for eye movements
Name and function
Thalamus-relay station; all signals pass through; integrated and shapes incoming signals
Name and function
Hypothalamus- motivation for hunger, thirst, sexual drive, and rage
Name and function
Pons- manages breathing and sleep cycle
Name and function
Amygdala- center for emotional control and processes
Name and function
Medulla- controls heart rate, breathing, blood pressure
Name and function
Hippocampus- memory, learning, emotions; hold short term memories and transfer them to long term
Name and function
Pineal Gland- produces melatonin; receives and conveys information about the light and dark cycle
Name and function
Occipital Lobe- visuopatial processing, distance depth, color, face recognition, memory formation
Name and function
Parietal Lobe- sensory perception and integration
Name and function
Corpus callosum- connects the two cerebral hemispheres so they can communicate
Name and function
Central fissure- separates frontal and parietal lobe
Name and function
Cingulate Gyrus- processing emotions and behavior regulation
Name and function
Frontal Lobe- voluntary movement, expressive language, manages thinking, emotions personality, judgment, self control, muscle control, movements, memory storage
Name and function
Temporal lobe - uses senses to understand and respond to the world around you
Name and function
Olfactory bulb- receive information about smells through the nose and send it to the brain
Name and function
Pituitary gland - growth and sexual reproductive function; glands
Name and function
Septal area- feeling of social connection and bonding
Name and function
Spinal cord- sends motor commands from brain to body and sensory information from body to brain