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"Self Reliance"
An essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, emphasizing the importance of the individual effort and autonomy
a meeting planned at a certain time and place
Ecological Imperialism
an aggressive and often heedless exploitation of the west. settlers often killed species to the point of extinction, and they farmed the lands dry. it was a hard land to live on, and ecological imperialism was sometimes the only way to survive and make a profit.
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Semisecret Irish organization that became a benevolent society aiding Irish immigrants in America
Molly Maguires
An active, militant Irish organization of farmers based in the Pennsylvania anthracite coal fields who are believed responsible for much violence
Tamany Hall
was the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in controlling New York City politics from the 1790s to the 1960s. It usually controlled Democratic Party nominations and patronage; immigrant support
Know-Nothing Party
1850's- claimed that the other political parties were corrupt, that immigrants were destroying the economic base of America, and disliked Catholics (nativist)
Awful Disclosures
(1836) Maria Monk's sensational expose of the alleged horrors in Catholic convents. Its popularity reflected nativist fears of Catholic influence
Industrial Revolution
A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods.
Cotton Gin
A machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers, invented by Eli Whitney in 1793
Patent Office
Federal government bureau that reviews patent applications. A patent is a legal recognition of a new invention, granting exclusive rights to the inventor for a period of years.
Limited liability
Financial responsibility of business owners only for what they invested in the business
Commonwealth v Hunt
(1842) a landmark ruling of the MA Supreme Court establishing the legality of labor unions and the legality of union workers striking if an employer hired non-union workers
Factory Girls
young women employed in the growing factories of the early nineteenth century, they labored long hours in difficult conditions, living in socially new conditions away from farms and families
Cult of domesticity
the ideal woman was seen as a tender, self-sacrificing caregiver who provided a nest for her children and a peaceful refuge for her husband, social customs that restricted women to caring for the house
McCormick Reaper
allowed farmers to cut more wheat in less time
gates set across a road to prevent passage until a toll had been paid
Erie Canal
"Clinton's Big Ditch" that transformed transportation and economic life across the Great Lakes region from Buffalo to Chicago
Clipper ships
American boats, built during the 1840's in Boston, that were sleek and fast but inefficient in carrying a lot of cargo or passengers
transportation revolution
rapid growth in the speed and convenience of transportation; in the United States this began in the early 1800s
Market Revolution
Dramatic increase btwn 1820 and 1850 in the exchange of goods and services in market transactions. Resulted from impact of the increased output of farms and factories, the entrepreneurial activities of traders and merchants
Elias Howe
invented the sewing machine
Isaac Singer
(1811-1875) American inventor; he patented an improved sewing machine and by 1860, was the largest manufacturer of sewing machines in the country.
John Deere
American blacksmith that was responsible for inventing the steel plow. This new plow was much stronger than the old iron version; therefore, it made plowing farmland in the west easier, making expansion faster.
Cyrus Field
American businessman who laid the first telegraph across the Atlantic Ocean
John Jacob Astor
American fur trader and financier, he founded the fur-trading post of Astoria and the American fur company