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a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another (as in coin, loud, and side) (so single syllable that has two vowels - and those make a combined sound)
A triptongo in Spanish is a combination of three vowels that are pronounced as one syllable. The vowels are arranged as a weak vowel, then a strong vowel, then another weak vowel. Ex: Cambiáis, Apreciáis, Envidiéis
The strong vowel is always "a", "e", or "o"
The weak vowels are always "i" or "u"
a literary device that uses words that sound like the sounds they describe. For example, bark came about because it mimics the actual sound a dog makes. Also, a bell clangs in the night, mimicking the actual sound.
rima asonante
Assonance, or “vowel rhyme,” is the repetition of vowel sounds across a line of text or poetry. The words have to be near enough to each other that the similar vowel sounds are noticeable. Think about the long “o” sound in: Go slow on the road. Consulta – pregunta, Dulzura – luna, Vista – prisma, Toro – ogro, Valiente – alegre, Infinita – risa, Burbuja – ondula, Ramillete – reluciente, Zanahoria – parodia, Tortuga – peluca
arte mayor
refers to a line of poetry that has nine or more syllables.
arte menor
refers to lines with eight or fewer syllables.
the final vowel sound of one word blends with the initial vowel sound of the next word, making them count as a single syllable when determining the metrical structure of a line.
For example:
"Como está usted?" → Normally, it looks like 6 syllables, but because of ______, "como está" and "está usted" merge, making it 4 syllables instead.
verso esdrújulo
stress—meaning the stress falls on the third-to-last syllable of the final word.
Since _______ words naturally have an extra syllable, the metric rule in Spanish poetry dictates that you subtract one syllable from the total count of the verse.
rima consonante
occurs when the final sounds of words, including both vowels and consonants, are identical from the last stressed vowel onward.
🌟 Casa – basa (perfect rhyme: -asa)
🌟 Caminé – volvé (perfect rhyme: -é)
🌟 Pasión – canción (perfect rhyme: -ión)
acento tónico
_____ is the stressed syllable in a word—the syllable that is pronounced with the most emphasis.
CA-sa (the stress is on "CA")
co-ra-ZÓN (the stress is on "ZÓN")
MÚ-si-ca (the stress is on "MÚ")
the natural stress in a word, the syllable that is pronounced with more emphasis. Every word has one, but it’s not always written
acento ortográfico
the written accent mark (´) placed over a vowel to indicate or clarify the stressed syllable according to Spanish spelling rules.
verso grave o llano