women are generally evaluated more positively than men
shown by men and women
however, women are perceived as less competent and less deserving of rights
generally yes.
liberals more open to changes in society, conservatives generally more resistant (don’t fix what ain’t broke)
liberals want to fix, conservatives see inequality as unproblematic or don’t even think of it as a problem (apathetic to the issue)
but they are both prejudiced, just towards different groups
believing out-group doesn’t share in group’s values resulting in prejudice
on my political side, like them more
not on my side, hate them or like them less
regardless of race, you like conservative participants less and like liberals more
when a person’s political values were clarified, political values mattered more than judging racial prejudice
projecting negative id impusles to minority groups, authoritarian submission, conventionalism (superego compensates by sticking to norms), aggression of people who violate norms
others: opposed to superstitions and obsessed with promiscuity
psychoanalytic theories weren’t supported by the data (no real evidence)
the main measure (the F (fascist) scale) didn’t work well.
tend to be prejudiced against many groups
are more likely to be…
mentally inflexible
makes them more likely to rely on stereotypes
lack openness to new experiences
believe the world is more dangerous (things are out to get them, threats)
see the world in terms of in-groups and out-groups
evolutionary theory of social hierarchy based on
the basic tendency to form hierarchy leads to group conflict and oppression
age and gender based hierarchies exist in all societies
arbitrary-set hierarchies emerge when there is economic surplus (race, religion, class)
societies & individuals vary in the degree of social forces that enhance or reduce hierarchy
in-group domination (if part of oppressor group)
in-group subordination (if part of oppressed group)
prejudice towards many groups
see the world as zero sum (i win, you lose)
see the society as a competitive “dog-eat-dog” world
not same aversion to threat, sees it as a challenge
pursue hierarchy-enhancing professions
41% pro black, 25% neutral, 34% pro-white
dual exposure: same culture, exposed to same stereotypes (cultural)
personal experience: push in a pro-black direction
our understanding of social hierarchy: what groups are in higher status
our personal identity: who we are, what our experiences have been
making a blinded decision, remove blinding, then see if there are unintended consequences
people coming from lower backgrounds (useful info)
reward students on upward trajectory
considering 2 candidates: similarly, slightly worse track record bc of maternity/paternity leave
not apples to apples
whites’ absolute belief in their (biological) superiority over other races
firm belief in racial separation (and subjugation)
the use of government to establish a system of segregation and other forms of discrimination
everyone deserves the same chance to succeed
related to negative liberty
give everyone the same box (short king is unable to see the game)
everyone should have the same level of well-being
related to positive liberty
higher modern racism predict lower agreement with equality of outcome
gets what he needs (short king can now see)
having positive explicit attitudes toward people while holding negative implicit attitudes toward people
characterized by feelings of unease and discomfort rather than hostility
strong motivation to appear unprejudiced
they care about APPEARING (how they appear to others)
prejudice tends to be higher around 5-7, when children:
have internalized social categories
haven’t internalized egalitarian norms yet
usually no racial preference when looking at things one at a time
if an adult forces them to pick, kid will have racial preference (emphasis on HAVE TO PICK)
earn social/cultural norms about race
internalize moral lessons about equality and fairness
stability of attitude — learn things early, and kind of stuck with it
pessimistic view of how humans work, crystallizes
stability of cultural messages — continual reinforcement over the lifetime
not because what we learn as children stick forever, we are just still practicing the same cultural/message
implicit prejudice is increasing from childhood to adulthood, but adults get better at controlling them
integrates cognitive development and social learning theories intro 3 steps
establishing salience of attributes
social categorization
development of prejudice/stereotypes
social identity: aspect of self-concept that derive from group membership
we strive to achieve and maintain a positive social identity
we strive to distinguish our own social groups from other social groups
social identity theory demonstrates the power of in-group love over out-group hate
in-group love is the default
out-group hate is less common
like them not as much or neutral
from: terrorist groups, prison gangs, governmental groups, internet forums
when a group has multiple goals, can make things trickier
hate groups on the internet… can be fully anonymous (hard to track them)
emotions: discontent, frustration, resentment
hostility toward perceived source of deprivation