a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
allowed a individual worshippers to show their devotion to their gods directly without using priests as intermediaries
Caste System
a hindu-istic class structure that is determined by your job which is determined by your birth/past life
The Vedas
a body of sacred works, epics, hymns. philosophical treaises, and ritual texts created by Aryans. Oldest of the Hindu Religious Text. Primary Source of Info during Aryan era.
priests that could approach the gods and goddesses recognized by the Aryans.
rituals that might allow a person to achieve union with the ultimate unchanging reality that is the source of the universe
actions performed in one’s life determines their status in their next life.
your job/duty
a state of liberation, bliss, and awareness in which achieved with union of Brahman.
an endless cycle in which souls are reincarnated through a continual process of rebirth (samsara)
highest, universal in hinduism
outside the caste system; impure and did tasks that made them beneath the dignity of shrudas
a social class within a hierarchical caste system
the practice widows dying with their husbands
Buddhism (1)
life is suffering
suffering is from desire
one must limit desire to limit suffering
to limit suffering, one must follow the “Eightfold Path”
Siddhatha Guatama
a rich sheltered prince out to the world and saw suffering and challenges. He decided leave everything to experience as those suffering and find a solution. He created Buddhism and found a solution after years of meditation.
Four Nobel Truths
a spiritual epiphany about the truth about the universe
teaches that by controlling desire and limit suffering leads to spiritual enlightment
Eightfold Path
Right View
Right Intention
Right Speech
Right Reaction
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration
The Goal for Buddhist path: Enlightment or awakening
Mahayana Buddhism (great vehicle)
allowed people to strive for Enlightment even if they couldn’t become monks.
Theravada Buddhism (teaching of elders)
believed to be a closer resemblance to Buddha’s actual teachings
a buddhist place of worship and houses for religious relics
a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings.
originated from Hebrews, a monotheistic religion about the god Yahweh
a group of people who briefly established two small kingdoms btwn the Mediterranean and Jordan River aka Canaan.
Ten Commandments
A series of rules of behavior for the Hebrews, created by God.
Diasporic Communities
Communities that spread out of their origin homeland
tribal leader of the Hebrews that spoke to God (mentioned in abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam)
the land God promised the Jews through Abraham
a abrahamic and monotheistic religion in the belief of Jesus of Nazareth dying for sins
Jesus of Nazareth
(3 BCE - 29 CE) born to religious parents and began ministry at age 30
Universal Religion
a religion with a goal to welcome more followers into the religion
Monastic Life
living in isolation/self-discipline to devote oneself to religion
Great Schism (1054)
the separation of the Catholic church of the West from the Orthodox churches of the East
Orthodox Church
The East Religion, idk what they believe in but i’ll ask
Roman Catholic Church
The West Religion, idk what they believe in even tho its my religion lolol
a series of military expeditions/wars
monotheistic and abrahamic religion that’s centered the belief of god (Allah). Guidance in Qu’ran
born in Arabia (570 - 632 CE) and was 40 when he experienced religious visons. Founder of Islam and received revelation from God, which he described in the Qur’an
Five Pillars
the profession of faith in God and in Muhammad as God’s prophet
regular prayer at home or in \n mosques
fasting during the sacred month of Ramadan
giving alms (charity) to the poor
and a pilgrimage to Mecca, if possible
Muslim laws or sacred laws
pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia
tax towards the non-muslim population
legal protection for non-muslims in islamic states
refers to the islamic or muslim community formed by Muhummad in Medina
Islam’s word for God
located in Saudi Arabia, holy islamic city
where muhummad first started
traditions attributed to the Prophet Muhammad that include his sayings, acts, and approval or disapproval of things
successor of the prophet Muhammad, muslim ruler
state ruled by a caliph, a Muslim ruler who is both the ruler of a state and the leader of the entire ummah
the direct words of God from the Prophet Muhummad
Dar al Islam (House of Islam)
refers to states that are majority islam
Muslim scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law
arabic word for struggle
a part of a house set apart for women in islamic household
emphasized personal spiritual experience; divine revelation can be reached when losing oneself and uniting with God
divisions and have different religious beliefs for Islam. Sunni is majoirty, Shia is minority
stressed the importance of complementary relationships
educated man born in wealthy family, lived during political turmoil of Eastern Zhou Dynasty (constant war with states), inspired him to create Confucianism
Filial Piety
respect and honor for elder family members
Mandate of Heaven
there could be only one legitimate ruler of China at a time, and that this ruler had the blessing of the gods. If he did not fulfill their duties to the people, the people were allowed to rebel
Civil Service Exam
Taken by young Chinese men and is tested for the knowledge of Confucianism; must pass for government employment
Scholar Gentry
idk high top people
The Dao
The Way; an Chinese belief system which emphasizes harmony with the natural balanced order o the universe
Yin and Yang
the idea that all things exist as entwined, complementary (harmonous) opposites
Laozi (the elder)
Chinses scholar created Daoism in book Dao De Jing
control over terriotry to a great extent
a tradition of part-time religious specialists who establish and maintain personalistic relations/ connections with specific spirit from other worlds
Ancestor Veneration
the practice of honoring one's ancestors
a blend of different beliefs