This set covers (from the spec): (a)- The need for transport systems in multicellular plants. To include an appreciation of size, metabolic rate and surface area to volume ratio (SA:V). References: CGP OCR A book Oxford OCR A book
Why do multicellular plants need transport systems
Plants are multicellular and have:
High Metabolic demands/ rate
Large size
Small SA:Volume ratio
Transport & metabolic demands
plants have high metabolic rate which canât be met by direct diffusion
Many parts donât photosynthesis which require a supply of oxygen and glucose and removal of waste products
Transport & size
Plants need a transport system to move water, nutrients, and other essential substances over long distances due to their large size. This system ensures all parts of the plant receive what they need for growth and survival.
Transport & SA
Plants overall have a low SA:V ratio as they are multicellular
They canât rely on diffusion to supply cells with the substances they need
Leaves though, are adapted to have a large SA:V ratio
e.g. of nutrients/ substances that plants need
Glucose and oxygen to the parts that donât photosynthesis
Hormones made in one part of the plant â site of action
Water. Mineral ions absorbed by the root â transported to cells making proteins required for enzymes and structure of the cell
They also need to remove waste products of metabolism
Why are substances not exchanged through direct diffusion?
Itâs too slow to meet plantâs metabolic demands