Exam 1
Published his incendiary account of Spanish abuses.
Described the exploitation of Indigenous people.
Freed his own slaves and spoke out against Spanish cruelties and injustices in the empire.
Bartholome de Casas
An exploitive feudal arrangement in which Spain tied Indigenous laborers to vast estates.
They brutalized their laborers.
(Encomenderos brutalized their laborers)
Was intended as a milder system but replicated many of the abuses of the older system.
Was a land bridge that connected Siberia and Alaska during the ice age.
Allowed plants and animals to migrate between Asia and North America
Believed to be the route by which humans first entered the Americas but disappeared when glaciers melted and sea levels rose.
Skilled Italian-born sailor who studied under Portuguese navigators.
Believed that it was possible to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe and avoiding Italian and Portuguese middlemen.
Proposed an expedition to many European courts but finally convinced Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to give him 3 small ships.
Christopher Columbus
Set sail in 1492 and two months later landed in the Bahamas. Came across islands populated by Indigenous Arawaks (fished, grew corn, yams, cassava).
He came for their wealth.
Christopher Columbus
Left 39 Spaniards at a military fort on Hispaniola to find the Indigenous tribes’ source of wealth, went back to Spain with 12 captured and branded Arawaks.
Was given 17 ships and over 1,000 men to go back to the West Indies.
Wealth was slow so the Spanish planned to extract every possible ounce of wealth from the Caribbean.
Christopher Columbus
What happened to the Indigenous population in the Caribbean after the Spanish took all of their wealth and used them as slaves/servants.
The whole population collapsed.
The whole island was depopulated.
A meeting of the Holy Roman Empire’s assembly that was held in the city of Worms, Germany.
Summoned Martin Luther to address his growing religious movement and to determine how to respond to his teachings.
Forbid anyone else in the empire from following his beliefs or giving him aid and shelter.
Solidified Martin Luther’s excommunication.
Diet of Worms
Slave labor grants from the Pope.
Pope said that God gave them permission to have slaves.
Temporary slave grants
Was excommunicated from the church for:
Starting the Protestant Reformation
Leaving the 95-thesis on the door of the church, challenging the Roman Catholic Church’s beliefs and practices.
questioning the church’s sale of indulgences.
Martin Luther
Wrote an essay on the treatment of Jews (Any Jew who doesn’t convert to Christianity should be exterminated).
Translated the bible to german.
Martin Luther
A list of propositions written by Martin Luther that challenged the church’s practices and beliefs.
Proposal for academic debate with church leaders.
Questioned the church’s sale of indulgences.
Ninty-five Theses
The idea that the apostle Peter was the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
States that Peter’s authority was passed on to his successors, (Bishops of Rome).
Petrine Theory
The belief that God has predetermined who will be saved and who will not.
Divided the New World between Spain and Portugal, legitimizing their claims to land.
Treaty of Tordesillas
How did the Treaty of Tordesillas split the New World between Spain and Portugal?
Land west of the line belonged to Spain.
Land East of the line belonged to Portugal.
Highlighted the brutality of Spanish practices, prompting rival nations to justify their own colonization efforts.
The negative portrayal of Spain and its people that was used as propaganda to justify colonization.
The idea that Spanish colonization was only out for its own gain.
Black Legend
“If your father is a member of the church, then you are too.”
religious practice that was adopted by Puritan churches.
allowed the children of baptized church members to be baptized themselves.
Granting them partial church membership without requiring a personal conversion experience.
Half-way covenant
For all the people that someone has as an indentured servant, they get a certain amount of acres.
Aa settler would pay to transport an indentured laborer to the colony.
certain amount of acres for a certain amount of people brought.
Set of decrees issued by the Spanish crown aiming to regulate the treatment of Indigenous populations during exploration and conquest in the Americas.
requiring more humane practices and limiting violence against Native Americans by conquistadors.
“Hisbandized”? Royal orders for new discoveries
First permanent settlement in America.
Nearly failed as a colony due to:
widespread disease
starvation from a lack of successful farming
conflict with the local Powhatan tribe
poor leadership
colonists unpreparedness to live in the harsh environment
Jamestown (Virginia)
The Powhatan tribe convinced Jamestown to use what as their main transport?
1st governing document of Plymouth Colony.
An attempt to establish a temporary, legally-binging form of self-government until the council could get formal permission from the council of New England.
Mayflower Compact
A sea route that connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.
Cut through the Canadian Arctic.
Shortened the route between Europe and Asia.
Northwest Passage
1st English settlement in America.
leader = John White
The colonists disappeared and what happened is unknown.
Known for its witch trials (hearings and prosecutions; resulted in the deaths of at least 20 people).
Pirates; The English commissioned pirates to raid Spanish ships & take gold & return it to the crown.
The gold wasn’t returned to the crown. The pirates kept it.
Sea Doggies
The oldest, continuously occupied European settlement, founded by the Spanish.
Founded by Don Pedro Menendez when he crashed his ship.
St. Augustine
Granted religious freedom for all Christians.
allowed Protestant dissenters to worship freely.
dissenters- former puritans who object to puritan rule in Maryland.
Act for Religious Toleration
The governor of Virginia imposed a tax to pay for Indian defense.
Bacon formed a militia and paid a bounty for dead Indians.
Bacon’s Rebellion
Emphasis on individual rights.
promoted ideas like liberty, equality, and individual rights.
The site of the first battle of the French and Indian War.
A major conflict between Great Britain and France over the control of North America.
A small British colonial force led by George Washington surrendered to the French.
Fort Necessity
The forced transportation of enslaved African Americans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas.
triangular slave trade.
European ships carried manufactured goods to Africa and traded for enslaved Africans.
The enslaved Africans were transported to the Americas and were used to grow sugar.
Sugar made rum. Rum was traded for more slaves
Middle Passage
The conflict between the British and the Native American tribes.
The tribes raided English settlements
Was an act of resistance towards the European colonization.
Pontiac’s Rebellion
A British decree that established the Proclamation line and prohibited colonists from settling West of the Appalachian Mountains.
Proclamation of 1763
Believed that God is present in everyone and that all people are spiritually equal.
total and complete equality of everyone.
first colony to come out in opposition to slavery.
A global conflict between Great Britain and France that involved Europe, North America, India, and the seas.
Fought over land and power in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Seven Years War
The 5th in a series of wars of the 7 years war that was fought between England and France.
Many Native Americans helped each side.
Resulted in the American Revolution.
led to the conquest of Canada by Britain.
French and Indian War
The Battle that ended the French & Indian war. Who won?
Battle of Quebec. British won
Ended the 7 years war between Britain and France.
Gave Britain control over most of France’s North American territories, including French Canada.
France was removed from North America.
All deals made excluded the Indians, which caused Pontiacs Rebellion.
Treaty of Paris (1763)
How did the Treaty of Paris (1763) divide North America between Britain, Spain, and the Indians.
Land west of the Mississippi River = Spain
Land east of the Mississippi River = Britain
Indians were excluded from the deals, which caused Pontiac’s Rebellion.
Parliament has no authority to pass laws about Virginia; A direct challenge to the British government.
called for a boycott of British goods.
encouraged colonists to refuse to pay taxes.
called for the creation of the colonial militia.
Virginia Resolves (Suffolk resolves)
A meeting of colonial delegates in New York
9 colonies
delegates protested the Stamp Act
tax on legal documents
protested “taxation without representation”
can’t be taxed unless represented by congress.
Stamp Act Congress
America fights the British using European battle methods and America wins.
turning point for America.
helped secure French support for Americans.
Battle of Saratoga
The last major battle of the Revolutionary War.
George Washington led American and French forces against British general Charles Lord Cornwallis’s army.
Cornwallis surrendered
Battle of Yorktown
The political and moral theory that describes the relationship between citizens and their government.
The idea that people agree to form a society by giving up some freedoms in exchange for protection and other benefits from the government.
Social Contract Theory
People in favor of independence (40%)
People who remained loyal to Britain (20%)
Was signed to end the American revolution and establish the United States as an independent nation.
Treaty of Paris (1783)
The British governments argues that colonists were represented in Parliament even though they did not have elected representatives there.
British idea that since Parliament acts for the good of the people, then the Americans are represented.government
Virtual Representation
The 1st constitution of the United States, establishing a weak central government between the 13 states.
Established a weak central government with limited powers.
Focused on coordinating a war effort against Britain and creating a “league of friendship” between the 13 states.
1st form of government within the U.S.
Articles of Confederation
An agreement that established how states would be represented in Congress.
Senate would have equal representation for each state.
House of Representatives would have propositional representation based on each state’s population.
Connecticut Compromise
The division of power between the national government and the state government.
believed that this distribution of power would create a strong central government.
A collection of 85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison< and John Jay, created to persuade the public (particularly New York) to ratify the newly drafted constitution.
Federalist papers
Proposal for the structure of the United States government that was presented at the Constitutional Convention,
intended to benefit less populated states.
called for equal representation for each state in Congress regardless of population.
unicameral (one-house) legislative
each state had one vote in congress
congress would elect a representative
congress would direct military opperations
a federal judiciary would hear impeachments and appeals.
New Jersey Plan
Farmers were angry about high property taxes and penalties like farm foreclosures and prison time.
armed attacks on courthouses & other government properties.
rebellion was defeated by the militia.
1st major rebellion in the U.S. after the revolutionary war.
Shay’s Rebellion
Counted enslaved people as 3/5 of a free person for the purpose of taxation and representation in congress.
Three-fifths Compromise
Proposal for a strong central government that was presented at the constitutional convention.
established a foundation for the U.S. Constitution.
national government with 3 branches:
bicameral legislature with proportional representation,
each state’s representation in congress would be based on its representation.
system to prevent abuse of power
alternative to the new jersey plan
Virginia Compromise
Every 4 years, voters elect a group of electors whose only purpose is to elect te president and vice president.
Electoral College
Short answer question:
Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of plants, animals, people, diseases, and ideas between the Americas and Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Christopher Columbus’s voyage in 1492 set off the Columbian exchange. This was a result of European colonization and global trade.
it included the introduction of new crops, livestock, and diseases, but also led to the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Europeans introduced new diseases to the Indigenous people in the New World, to which they had no immunity. This resulted in many deaths and depopulations of tribes.
New crops such as coffee, sugar, and tobacco changed the diets and trade patterns in Europe and Asia.
Europeans enslaved millions of people from africa and brought them to the Americas.
Columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World.
He introduced sugar, tobacco, chocolate, potatoes, ect. to the Old world.
Short answer question:
Coercive Acts(list and explain each and the effect on the colonies)
Boston Port Bill - closed the Boston harbor to commercial traffic and forced Bostonians to pay for the tea that was destroyed in the Boston Tea Party; closed until the tea was payed for.
Administration of justice Act - any British official charged with any crime must be tried in England; until tea is payed for.
Massachusettes Governance Bill - the Massachusettes colonial government is shut down; until tea is payed for; no town meetings without approval
Quartering Act - required American colonies to house and supply british soldiers. Great britain would house its soldiers in American barraks and public houses. Boston had to pay for room and board; until tea is payed for
Coercive Acts(intolerable acts) - series of laws passed by britain parliament to punish boston for the boston tea party.
What effect?- united the colonies in opposition to british rule.
sparked widespread protests; pushed them closer to the american revolution.
led to the creation of the 1st continental congress
Short answer question:
declaration of independence
document signed by the 13 colonies. Formally declaring their seperation from Great Britain and establishing themselves as the “United States of america”
helped rally support for the American revolution
Short answer question:
French and Indian War
conflict between Britain and france. Native Americans helped both sides.Fought over control of territory and colonial dominance.
Battle of Fort Necessity- George washington first saw combat. His small army lost to French and he surrendered.
Battle of Quebec- led to conquest of canada by britian and convinced the french to help the colonists.. British Victory.
british took france’s territories