What does ATP do
carries energy in the cell
To realease energy stores in a bond you must____
break that bond (ATP to ADP)
ATP consists of_____
Adenine, triphosphate, and a ribose
ATP is ____ to become ADP
Life processes that utilize ATP
Movement, Growth and repari, active transport across membranes, anabolism, nerve transmissions
Cellular Respiration equation
C6H12O6 + 6O2 to CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
Net gain of cellular respiration
<38 ATP
Glycosis with O2
Cellular respiration
Glycosis w/o O2
Fermentation occurs in ____
Both anaerobic and aerobic respiration pathways begin with____
What is glycosis
breakdown of glucose into pyruvate
Where does glycosis happen
Where is pyruvate broken down?
Pyruvate produces____ when broken down in mitochondria. This is the ____ respiration route
CO2, Water, ATP. Aerobic
Pyruvate is converted into lactate In ____ and CO2 and ethanol in ____. Happens in the _____. This process is also called____. This is the _______ respiration route.
humans, yeast, cytoplasm, fermentation, anaerobic
Fermentation can be _____or ____
lactate or ethanos and CO2
Lactic Acid Fermentation produces
Alcoholic fermentation produces
Ethanol and CO2
Some foods with lactic acid fermentation
yogurt, kimchi, cheese
some foods made with alcoholic fermentation
bread, wine, beer