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Book 1 settings
hell, burning lake, pandemonium
what is hell described as
who built pandemonium
what does pandemonium mean
all demons
book 2 setting
gates of hell
what are the 4 rivers of hell
styx, acheron, cocytus, phlegethon
river of hate
river of sorrow
river of lamenation
river of anger
river of oblivion
first 3 gates of hell are made of
second 3 gates of hell are made of
third 3 gates of hell are made of
adamantine rock
book 3 settings
heaven, earth
where does satan land when he gets to earth
mount niphates
who guards the garden of eden
archangel gabriel
what are the trees in the garden
tree of life and tree of knowledge
book 5 settings
garden of eden, heaven
book 6 setting
war in heaven
what happened the second day of battle in heaven
angels beat satan
how many days did the creation of earth take
6 days
what is the tree of knowledge
knowledge of good and evil
book 8 setting
how long does satan circle the world to avoid the sun
8 days
where does eve eat the fruit
tree of knowledge
what is the theme of book 1
justify gods way to men
what is the theme of book 3
free will is a necessity of true love and obedience
what is the theme of book 4
manipulation, free will, satans determination, sin and innocence
what is the theme of book 5
divine knowledge, nature of god and his creations, the consequences of disobedience
what is the theme of book 6
good versus evil
what is the theme of book 8
heroic struggle
what is the theme of book 11
forgiveness, punishment
who is satan
gods greatest enemy and ruler of hell
what does satan mean
who is adam
the first human and creator of mankind
who is eve
the first woman, created out of adams rib
who is sin
satans daughter who sprang from his head after his disobedience from god
what is sin half of
half human half serpent
who is death
a black figure who is sins and satans son
who are the dogs
the offspring of death and sin
who is michael
leader of heavens army; shows adam visions of the future
who is uriel
guards eden from space and gets tricked by satan disguised as a cherub
who is raphael
an angel who god sends to warn adam about satan
who is abdiel
the only angel among satans legion to return to gods side
who is beelzebub
satans second in command
what does beelzebub mean
lord of the flies
who is moloch
strongest and fiercest devil who suggests war
who is belial
a well-spoken devil who advocates for sloth
who is mammon
a greedy devil who wants to embrace where they are instead of fight
who is chaos
dark materials out of which god creates everything; desires disorder
who is night
chaos’s consort; surrounding gods creation
who is ithuriel
an angel who finds satan in the form of a toad
who is zephon
an angel who finds satan and brings him to gabriel
who are cain and abel
adam and eves children; cain kills abel out of jealousy
who is enoch
the only righteous man in the early world
who is nimrod
a tyrant who tries to build the tower of babel
who is abraham
the patriarch of israel
who is pharaoh
egyptian ruler who enslaved the israelites
who is moses
israelite who frees his people from egypt and accepts the ten commandments
who is the author
john milton
crisis in miltons life that often alluded to in his writing
religion, early death of friends, marriages, blindness
how many times has milton been married
3 times
what was miltons proud “nationality”
who were miltons models for his writings
virgil and spenser
what was miltons religion
what social class did milton belong to
who was miltons father
a scrivener
who was miltons younger brother
christopher, a lawyer
who was miltons older sister
how many languages did milton know; what were they
7; latin, greek, hebrew, italian, french, spanish, dutch
where did milton go to college
chirst college in cambridge
when was paradise lost written
during the english civil war
when was paradise lost published
1667 and 1674