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Computed by adding the data set and divided by the # of data
AKA average: adding all the scores divided by the number of items
Standard Deviation
Quantifies the amount of variation
Low Standard Deviation
data are close with one another, little variability
High Standard Deviation
Data are spread out
Bell Curve
shows the natural distribution of scores
Compare results easier
Why do we need to standardize the scores?
The performance sample of children drawn from the population
How far away the child is from the mean
Left-skew Bell Curve
Most are low scores
Tail is longer on the left side
Right-skew Bell Curve
Most are high scores
Tail is longer on the right side
Standard Score
represent equal units across the range of scores
Examples: z scores, t-scores, scaled scores
Percentile Rank
Tells the relative position from the rest of the population
Tells what proportion of the norming population scored lower than the subject taking the test
Having 100 test takers and the average is 50, you do better than 50 of the test takers but 50 did better than you.
Age-Equivalent Scores
Based on the raw scores, it gives us the equivalent age and grade.
Caution should be made when using this, although it is often used.
If a 42 year old and a 15 year old both had the score of 15 out of 30, the 42 year old did worse because it shows a greater delay.
Confidence Interval
Gives you the range of scores that you can be at a certain percentage (68%, 90%, 95%) sure contains the child’s “true” score.
Maybe on a bad day, the child performs less than their usual self → the test will give a range.
You are between a percentage, and your true score lies within a range.
identify the need for services because it is costly.
Computation of Standardized Score
Raw Score - Mean/Standard Deviation
symbol for above the mean
symbol for below the mean
Very Low Range/Severe
Severity Classification of 70 and below (CELF4)
Low Range/Moderate
Severity Classification of 71-77 (CELF4)
Marginal/Below Average/Mild
Severity Classification of 78-85 (CELF4)
Severity Classification of 86-114 (CELF4)
Above Average
Severity Classification of 115 and above (CELF4)
Nature of the disorder
The differences in the performance will determine the __________ and will help identify the FOCUS of the therapy.
Importance of Discrepancy
The criteria is determined by the developer
Ex: If the criteria is 5 and the child is 7 = significant
Administration for Tests
Know where to start
How to progress
How to respond the child