9/9/2022 AP HuG Quiz

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Thomas Malthus

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Thomas Malthus

English economist and demographer best known for the Malthusian Theory

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Malthusian Theory

Population growth will always tend to outrun the food supply and that betterment of human kind is impossible without strict limitations on reproduction

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E. G. Ravenstein

German-English geographer known for his development of his Theory of Human Migration

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Ester Boserup

Danish economist known for the development of the theory that population change drives the agricultural production intensity of an area

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Aging Population

increasing median age in the population of a region due to the declining fertility rates and/or rising life expectancy

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are a schemes or a laws that a government may adopt in order to control their

Anti-Natalist Policiespopulation growth

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Arithmetic Growth

refers to the situation where a population increases by a constant number of persons (or other objects) in each period being analyzed

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Carrying Capacity

The largest number of people that the environment of a region can support

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the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse

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