one political party
economy (business’s managed by the state/government)
information was controlled by the state/press
people chose the political party in power
people free to start their own business’s
people could express their own ideas (weren’t controlled by the government, power comes from the people)
Germany invaded the soviet union
breaking the Nazi-Soviet Pact
leading to an alliance between the USA and the USSR
direction of the war changed due to the allied forces of Britain, the USSR and the USA
Red army (communists) had Berlin surrounded
Nazi’s fled the capital due to fear of the Reds
Hitler committed suicide and the Third Reich fell
made by Churchill and Stalin in 1944
stated that a division would be made to the Eastern European countries formerly occupied by the Nazis
Reinforced international peace and security
came about in 1945 after WWII
Tehran- First time the big three met and discussed about the division of Europe
Yalta- issues were discussed and agreements were made Germany weren’t yet defeated (February 1945)
Potsdam- second conference between the allied leaders (July 1945)
Winston Churchill (england)
Franklin D Roosevelt (america)
Joseph Stalin (russia)
wanted to look after British interests whilst limiting the Soviet expansion
close relationship with the USA and got on well with Stalin
wanted Germany rebuilt as an independent, democratic country (power to the people)
wanted to help the global economy as well as its safety (formation of the United Nations)
wanted to rebuild Europe built on capitalist principles
got on well with Stalin and Churchill
agreed with the United Nations to from a collective security to avoid another war
would help the global economy
idea from Churchill and Roosevelt
was in the strongest position
good relationship with other leaders
main aim was to insure that the Soviet Union didn’t lose their industry, agriculture, towns or their people again due to another war
wanted Germany to remain weak and the Germans to pay for the rebuilding of the USSR (however didn’t want another problem like the Treaty of Versailles caused/another dictator controlling country by fear
Stalin’s troops occupied most of eastern Europe
people were fleeing countries due to the fear of communists
Set up communist government in Poland (Britain and USA protested)
Roosevelt was replaced by Harry Truman
anti communist and was suspicious of Stalin
Both Truman and Attlee wanted countries to be independent
wiling to use force to achieve America’s aims (held the first atomic bomb)
led by Clement Attlee
concerned about the Soviets expansion wanted to keep peace
focused on improving peoples lives in post-war Britain
Britain had a damaged economy so disagreements would be risky
development of the nuclear bomb in 1939 due to the fear of Nazi Germany (carried out in the Mexico desert)
two bomb were ready to be used after a month (‘Fat Man’ and Little Boy’
Truman made the decision to use the bomb against Japan
story of the bomb shows the mistrust that developed between the countries
Truman told Stalin it worked, Stalin already knew about the bomb even before Truman did
the first Uranium bomb was dropped on Japanese city called Hiroshima
killed 70,000 people instantly and days and weeks later thousands more died due to 3rd degree burns and radiation poisoning
still Japan didn’t surrender
Second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki
over 40,000 people were killed
Japan surrendered and WWII ended (10th August 1945)
clear that the USA wanted to dominate the post-war period
felt threatened by the west
wanted to consolidate (strengthen) his hold on Eastern Europe
free elections were ignored (rigged)
worked hard to ensure that communists rose to positions of power/authority within governments
arrest and execution of opponents
written on the 22nd Feb 1946 by George Kennan
wrote a detailed lengthy report (8000) words to the government in Washington (fears of the soviet expansion)
Said how Stalin saw the USA as their enemy
exiled non-communist leaders
won the 1947 election
communist was elected prime minister in 1945
abolished the monarchy in 1947
Executed non-communists (bad) however less resistance
won elections
Marshal Tito held resistance against the Nazi’s
however Tito was determined to apply communism in HIS own way leading to him being expelled from the coniform in 1948
Gottwald controlled propaganda (radio) and became Prime Minister
banned other parties
Communist leader Rakosi had complete control over Hungary
Catholic church was imprisoned
communists became largest single party
East Germany
Allies had given the USSR control of this sector of Germany
Until the creation of German Democratic Republic in 1949
Actions of the USA (the atomic bombs)
Actions of the USSR (Soviet expansion)
the creation of a market for American goods to help the US economy
Aid the economic recovery of Europe
Making communism less attractive
The communist information bureau
The council for mutual economic assistance
Increased tension due to it being direct competition between them
mistrust due to Yugoslavia accepting Marshall aid
its geographical location = USA and USSR keen for Central European military bases
Wanted power (capital of Germany)
america and france joined zones and created a new currency = stalin had no control
stalin blocked all supply lines going to and from berlin and western zones
planes bought: materials, food, clothing from berlin to western zones landed every 45 seconds
showed suspicions, showed that they were obstructing each other but weren’t willing to go to war
Franklin Roosevelt
harry Truman
John F Kennedy (JFK)
joseph Khrushchev