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Dr. Henry Jekyll
‘Had his death-warrant written legibly upon his face
‘Pink of the proprieties’
‘Plainly seized with one of those maladies’
Mr. Edward Hyde
‘like some damned Juggernaut’
‘Something downright detestable’
‘Something troglodytic’
Gabriel Utterson
‘Drank gin when he was alone’
‘my shoulders are broad enough to bear the blame’
‘His affections, like ivy, were the growth of time’
Hastie Lanyon
‘Hearty, healthy, dapper, red faced gentleman’
‘A shock of hair prematurely white’
‘Hide bound pedant’
Hyde as dangerous
‘Snarled aloud in a savage laugh’ ‘Ape-like fury’
‘Trampled calmly’
‘can it be the old story of Dr. Fell?’
Good vs Evil
‘Last good influence’
‘He began to go wrong, wrong in the mind’
‘There came a blackness about his eyes’
‘The moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr Hyde’
‘Sorely contorted and still twitching’
‘Cheval glass’
Science vs Religion
‘Annotated in his own hand with startling blasphemies’
‘Unscientific balderdash’
‘His own tastes being rather chemical than anatomical’
‘The marks of prolonged and sordid negligence’
‘Equipped with neither bell nor knocker’
‘Furnished with luxury and good taste’
Disturbing atmosphere - weather
‘Fog rolled over the city’
‘A great chocolate-coloured pall lowered over heaven’
‘Pale moon’
‘Last reputable acquaintance’
‘Drank gin when he was alone’
‘My life, my honour my reason’