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Scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Observable actions or internal activities of individuals.
Overt Behavior
Actions that can be directly observed.
Covert Behavior
Private, internal activities not directly observable.
Scientific Method
Systematic process for building and refining knowledge.
Empirical Evidence
Information gained from direct observation.
Psychology's goal to explain what happened.
Ability to forecast behavior accurately.
Explaining why a given event occurred.
Altering conditions to influence behavior predictably.
Correlational Data
Data showing relationships between variables.
Animal Models
Use of animals to study human behavior principles.
Research Methods
Techniques used to gather psychological data.
Aggressive Behavior
Behavioral response that increases with temperature.
Intersubjective Observation
Shared observations among different observers.
Experimental Control
Manipulating variables to test hypotheses.
Psychological Research
Investigation into mental processes and behavior.
Process of acquiring new knowledge or skills.
Ability to store and retrieve information.
Behavioral Studies
Research focusing on observable actions of subjects.
Endangered Species
Animals at risk of extinction, studied in psychology.