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In general, what are personality disorders? (*don’t need to know*)
endure pattern of experience/behavior
deviates from culture
leads to distress/impairs social and occupational functioning
begins with adolescence
based on trait approach to personality
Most people diagnosed with personality disorders have ___
Most people diagnosed with personality disorders have COMORBIDITY
more than one personality disorder
have another disorder
What disorders are the most reliable?
antisocial/borderline personality disorder
Define personality trait
inner experience and behavior
remember the 5-factor OCEAN mode
define personality disorder
representing extremes of normal personality trains, deviate from cultural expectations
which personality disorder do you think is most dangerous to patient
most likley to attempt suicide → borderline personlaity disorder
which personality disorder do you think is most dangerous to others in society
antisocial personality
Which PD can be helped by medications
borderline personality disorder, SSRI
which 2 are considered to be the most “reliable” diagnosis
test-retrest, inter-rater
What is all involved in Group A
What is ODD/ecentric
all bare some similarity to schizophrenia/paranoid/schizoid
appear odd/eccentric
resemble less disturbed form of schizophrenia
What are the characteristics involved in being paranoid?
distrust and suspiciousness of others; highly jealous and secretive
most frequent in men
doubts loyalty/trustworthiness
less disturbed than paranoid schizophrenia
What is involved in schizoid
detachment from social relationships and restricted range of expressed emotion
don’t desire close relationships/family
anthedonic - pleasure in few activities
What is schizotypal
deficient social/interpersonal relationships; cognitive & perceptual distortions; eccentric behavior
odd belief
magical thinking:
superstitious, clairvoyant, telepathic
genetic link
attenuated schizo.
children of schizophrenics
What are the ideas of reference in regards to Group A
the TV is talking about them
What does attenuated mean in regards to Group A
reduced in force, intensity
What is all involved in Group B
What is dramatic/erratic characteristics
group B
borderline'; historic; narcissistic; antisocial
inconsistent, dramatic, erratic, rule-breaking behaviors
What is histrionic
pervasive pattern of exessive emotionality (overly dramatic and attention seeking)
do so through sexual means
center of attention
self dramatization
What are characteristics of theatrical
higher in emotion, drama
What is involved in narcissism/grandiosity
in group B
pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in beliefs or behavior) need for admiration, and lack of empathy
over-inflated sense of power
self-importance, etc
need for admiration
not in a sexual way**
How does Group B/s ‘projected personality’ differ from their self-esteem?
projected is how they portray themselves, self-esteem is how they see themselves
role of family history in development
What is borderline characteristics
Pattern of instabiliyt of:
interpersonal relationships
self-image (poor self-concept)
periods of dysphoria/anger
fear of /effort to avoid abandonment
suicidal gestures/threats
What are some frantic efforts to avoid for borderline personality disorder
for BP disorder, what do they impulsively engage in
reckless behavior
suicide attempts/non-life threatening cuts
When do dissociative symptoms occur
severe stress
define dysphoria
dissatisfaction, discomfort with ones self
Define splitting
aka “etiology”
see all events as all good or all bad
intense emotionality + trouble controlling emotions/impulsive
define emotional dysregulation
not able to react to something normally, too emotional
found in splitting
What family history is typically associated with borderline personality
low level of care, high incidence of verbal, emotional, sexual and physical abuse
what neurotransmitter was found to be low in BP splitting disorder
low serotonin —> can be helped by SSRI
60% variance is genetic
decreased activity in PFC
increased activity in amygdala
What is antisocial
persistent disregard for the right of others
what are the DSM criteria for antisocial personality disorder
lack of remorse
presence of conduct disorder before age 15
truancy/theft/running away/cruelty to animals
What is the most common disorder amongst convicted felons
antioscial personality disorder
know the 2 components tested on the Hare psychopathy checklist
shows emotional detachment and antisocial lifestyle
What is psychopathy; how does it differ from APD?
psychopathy (basis of thoughts/feelings to distinguish from criminality)
poverty of emotions (no sense of shame, lack of guilt, false charm)
manipulation of others
impulsive behaviors
know the 4 categories of inmates tested in the Hare startle response study and the findings
detached white collar workers
Heritability. Who were cleckley and hare?
hare - did a prison study using the psychopahty checklist
lykken - incidental avoidance learning
normal/psychos = equally good at learning
psychos had more punished errors
work better with reduced anxiety and ignore unpleasant consequences/unable to learn
What were some examples given in class of serial killers with APD?
Ted bundy, patrick mackay
What is all involved in Group C
anxious/fearful anxious/perfectionist
avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive
What is avoidant personality?
in group C
pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitive to negative evaluation
avoids friendships, hypersensitivity, fear of being judged
antisocial but dif. → social phobia
How are avoidants different from schizoid?
are comorbid with social phobia, hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, social inhibition fearful of criticism, rejection and disapproval
what is the dependent personality
pervasive and excessive/need to be taken care of → submissive and clingy
fears abandonment
difficulty expressing disagreement/everyday decisions
what is obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
pervasive preoccupation with orderliness/perfectionism
mental/interpersonal control → inflexible/closed/
details, rules, lists, order
control freaks
excessive devotion to work and productivity
What don’t people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder have that people with OCD have?
no obsessions, and compulsions