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When did Luther nail the Ninety-Five theses in Wittenburg
When did the Protestant Reformation Begin
When did the Peace of Augsburg recognize Lutheranism in the Holy Roman Empire
When was the Spanish Armada defeated
When did Columbus sail to the New World
When was Granada conquered
When was the Thirty Years' War
When did Copernicus develop heliocentric theory
When did Newton publish Principia and develop universal law of gravitation and motion
When was creation
4000 BC
When was Genesis Flood
2300 BC
When was the new kingdom established and the height if Egyptian Empire
1580 BC
When was Abraham called from Ur
2000 BC
When did the Hebrews sojourn in Egypt
1850 BC
when did the Sinai Script/Exodus/Ten Commandments happen
1500 BC
When was the destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian Captivity began
586 BC
When was the Rise of Indus Valley civilization in India
2000 BC
When was the Rise of Huang He Vally civilization in China
1500 BC
When was the decline of Egypt/Rise of Kingdom of Cush
1100 BC
When did the Ethiopian eunuch become the first African convert to Christianity
AD 35
When was the Rise of the Minoan Civilization
2000 BC
When was the beginning of the Hellenic (Classical) Greek Age
700 BC
when were the Peloponnesian Wars
431-404 BC
When was Egypt conquered by Alexander the Great and Ptolemy establish Hellenistic dynasty
332-323 BC
When was the city of Rome founded
753 BC
When was the Roman Republic established
509 BC
When did Octavian become the first emperor of Rome
30 BC
When was the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
AD 30
When was the Roman Empire permanently divided
AD 395
When was the Fall of Western Roman Empire
AD 476
When did the Roman persecution of Christians begin under Nero
AD 64
When were the Apostles Peter and Paul martyred
AD 64
When did the Edict of Milan legalize Christianity
AD 313
When was Muhammad's flight to Medina
AD 622
When was the battle of Tours
AD 732
When was Charlemagne crowned "Emperor of the Romans" by the pope
AD 800
When was the Treaty of Verdun made
AD 843
When was the Norman invasion and Battle of Hastings
AD 1066
When was the first crusade/Crusaders establish four kingdoms in the Holy Land
AD 1096-1099
When was the Magna Carta written
AD 1215
When was the Babylonian Captivity of the papacy
AD 1305-1378
When was the Hundred Years War
AD 1337-1453
when did Gutenberg invent the moveable-printing press
AD 1440
When was the sack of Constantinople by Ottoman Turks/end of the Byzantine Empire
AD 1453
When did Luther nail the 95 thesis In Wittenberg
When did the Protestant Reformation begin