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Aggravated assault
serious bodily injury with possibility of a weapon
negligent manslaughter
happen as a result of recklessness or culpable negligence without intent
In family violence, battery refers to what?
a slightly more specific fashion to describe physical violence in intimate or family relationships, either during a dating relationship, marriage or partnership, or separation and divorce or in the care of children
Coercion theory
coercive and punitive tactics in parenting increase the likelihood of later aggressive behavior
The most common abuse of the elderly by caretakers is what?
psychological abuse
killing a child older than 24 hours
Which classification of homicide is a result of hostile aggression?
general altercation homicide
Multiassaultive families
multi incidents of violence involving more than one perpetrator
killing of a newborn within the first 24 hours after birth
Where do most abductions of elementary school children occur?
near the house
Modus operandi refers to:
a method of procedure a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime
Signature refers to:
any behavior that goes beyond what is necessary to commit the crime
organized crime scene
Indicates planning and premeditation on the part of the offender.
Geographical profiling
A type of profiling that focuses on the location of the crime and how it relates to the residence and/or base of operations of the offender
What type of profiling that was originally most useful in identifying perpetrators?
crime scene profiling
Confirmation bias
Seeking evidence to confirm one’s own preconceived notions about a person or situation
3 things that serial killers often select their victims based on:
availability, vulnerability, and desirability
Psychological autopsies are most often done in what type of situation?
equivocal death analysis
Compared to male serial murderers, females are typically motivated by what?
material or monetary gain
Murder by proxy
victims are chosen because they are associated, by the killer, with a primary target against whom revenge is sought
Type 1 workplace violence incidents
criminal intent
coercive aggression in sexual assault
when a person pressures, tricks, threatens, or manipulates someone into having sex
A rapist motivated by anger retaliation in MTC R3 is similar to what type described in the original MTC?
displaced aggression
A key element of the criminality theme of stranger rape is:
According to the dominant contemporary theories, the etiology of tape says:
sexual socialization plays a crucial role in sexual assault.
Impulsive rapist type
neither strong sexual nor aggressive features but engage in spontaneous rape when the opportunity represents themselves
Primary aim of instrumental sexual aggression
offender uses just enough coercion to gain compliance from victim
Rationally motivated offending
Those motivated by goals of the organization they belong to and the possible consequences of their actions.
Which theme is most predictive of recidivism in stranger rape?
criminality theme
What is an example of a situational factor that may put a woman at higher risk for rape?
use of alcohol/drugs
Gender of most homicide victims in the US
Weapon most commonly used in homicides
Does research suggest that accessibility to weapons facilitate crime?
Compared to abduction by family members, is child abduction by strangers rare?
Does the background of many school shooters include an interest in guns and easy access to firearms?
Does the revised UCR include in the definition of rape males as victims?
Are stranger rapists more likely than acquaintance rapists to have a history of general criminality?
Was marital rape legal in all states in 1970?
In campus sexual assaults, is the victim more likely to withdraw from the university than the perpetrator?
Do serial offenders often prefer guns, while single victim offenders prefer hands-on killing?