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25-30 years
lifespan of horse
88 km/hr
maximum speed of horse
11-12 months
gestation period of horse
heavy, light, and ponies
main groups of horses
american paint horse
combines both the conformational characteristics of a western stock horse with a pinto spotting pattern of white and dark colors
highly valued for its color and markings
unique refinement and intelligent
american quarter horse
excelf at sprinting short distances
its name came from its ability to outdistance other horse in races of a quarter mile or less
55 kmph
14.3 - 15.3 HH
american saddlebred horse
riding horse
prevailing riding horse in the US
friendly and calm
60-64 inches height
400-450 kg in weight
american standardbred horse
trotter / pacer
steady, friendly, calm
good ability in harness racing
14-17 HH / 56-68 in / 142-173 cm
appaloosa horse
color breed famous in the US
name derives from the palouse river of idaho and washington
trustworthy, gentle, highly intelligent
clydesdale horse
draft breed
17-18 HH / 68-72 in / 173-183 cm
2,000 lbs / 900 kg in weight
bay, dark brown, black, with prominent white markings
high leg action when walking or trotting
has feather (long hair) on legs
philippine light horse / baguio light horse
uneven head, short neck, chamfered shoulder, medium-length back, bushy mane, long and dense tail, strong legs with hard hooves
all colors are acceptable except appaloosa
13.2 HH / 134 cm, 53 in
strength endurance, pleasant temperament, ability to withstand local extreme weather
chinese horse
south american horse
arab horse
spanish horse
arabian horse
quarter horse
tennessee walker
morgan horse
american paint horse
miniature horse
top 10 most popular horse breeds
arabian horse
arabian peninsula
distinctive head shape, high proud tail carriage
one of the oldest breeds
known for spirit and endurance
used in western, saddle seat, dressage
used in horse racing
developed in England in the 17th and 18th century
high spirited and known for its heart
makes excellent sport horses
used as:
mounts for dressage
fox hunting
tennessee walker
developed in the southern US during the 18th century for use on farms and plantations
smooth gait, “running walk”
comfortable for long riding
mount of choice for many civil war generals
now used as both show horses and pleasure mounts
morgan horse
known for its versatility
one of the oldest breeds developed in the US
small in stature but big in heart
used today as riding horse and driving horses
excel in the western and saddle seat disciplines
state animal of vermont
miniature horse
developed in europe in the 1600’s
has different height requirements, but should be under 34-38 inches
still considered horses despite their small stature
not a breed but a vgroup that encompasses a number of types and breeds
characterized by open stud book policies
known for their prowess as sport horses
excelling in jumping as well as dressage
breeds under the category:
long, thick main and tails
strong, compact, and elegant
most-present day horses of this breed are grey or bay
used for dressage, driving, saddle seat and even jumping
a spanish breed that originated in the iberian peninsula
first recognized in the 15th century
known for its prowess as a war horse and prized by nobility