Latitude of India
8’4 N to 37’6 N
Longitude of India
68’7 E to 97’25 E
Longitude of Tropic of Cancer
Area of India
3.28 Million Sq. Km
India Landmass Percentage
India Land boundary
Length of Coastline
lattitude of Stadard Meridian of India
Where does SMI pass through
Mirzapur , Uttar Pradesh
What does lattitudnal extent influence
Duration of Day and Night
What does longitudnal Extent Influence
Change of timezone
Which year was the Suez Canal opened
How much distance did the suez canal reduce
7,000 km
Which are the seven countries with larger landmass than india
Russia , Canada , USA , China , Brazil , Australia , India
Describe the exchange of ideas
Ideas sent
Upanishads and Ramayana
Muslin cloth
Ideas Influenced
Greek Sculpture
Architectural style of domes and minarets
List all of Indies land neighbours
Pakistan , Afghanistan , China , Nepal and Bhutan , Mynamar and Bangladesh
Indias sea neighbours
Sri Lanka and Maldives
Sri Lanka is seprated by _________ and ____________
Palk Stait and Gulf of Mannar