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The branch of science that deals with the study of celestial objects, the universe, and the heavens.
A pseudoscience that attempts to predict events by the study of the movement of stars and planets.
star charts
Maps of the nighttime sky showing constellations and stars, used by navigators for many centuries.
A 1st century CE Greek-Egyptian astronomer and cartographer known for his support of the geocentric theory and the creation of portolani.
geocentric theory
An ancient scientific theory that the earth is at the center of the universe and all heavenly objects revolve around it.
heliocentric theory
A scientific theory stating that the sun is at the center of the universe and the earth revolves around the sun.
An enclosed circle that is oval in shape.
A scientific tool used to enhance sight when observing objects in the sky.
Of, or pertaining to the moon.
Of, or pertaining to the sun.
Religious courts set up by Catholic authorities to root out suspected heretics, using torture and death as enforcement.
Holding positions contrary to the accepted teachings of a religious community.
To take back something once proclaimed or no longer accept beliefs one previously supported.
A precursor to chemistry focused on transforming matter, especially base metals into gold.
Universal Laws
Scientific rules believed to be true everywhere and for all time, with gravity being a prime example.
A natural phenomenon where all objects with mass and energy are drawn towards one another.
To take credit for someone else's work and pass it off as one's own.
Theories explaining phenomena in purely physical or deterministic terms.
The branch of science that studies the bodily structure of humans and other animals.
A 1st century CE Greek physician whose ideas about anatomy and medicine dominated for over 1,000 years.
The discredited practice of withdrawing blood from a patient to treat or prevent illness.
folk remedies
Using herbs, foods, and household items to treat illnesses; effectiveness varies.
circulatory system
The system of veins and arteries that move blood throughout the body.
The branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects.
The transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages.
A viral infection causing high fever and painful blisters; had a high mortality rate.
A method of injecting immunities directly into the body to combat disease.
querelles de femmes
Debate concerning the proper role of women in European society.
A woman trained in the care of expectant mothers and delivery of babies.
A list of books prohibited for Catholics, first compiled at the Council of Trent and abolished in 1966.
The theory that opinions or actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than beliefs or emotions.
cogito ergo sum
Latin expression meaning 'I think, therefore I am,' credited to Descartes.
The theory that knowledge comes from experience and evidence rather than tradition.
Scientific Method
A method of developing and confirming knowledge involving hypothesis, experimentation, and new hypothesis.
Scientific Societies
Organizations such as the British Royal Society that bring together leading scientists to share and collaborate.
An intellectual movement in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries that challenged traditional ideas of God, nature, reason, and humanity.
Intellects of the Enlightenment, particularly from France, including figures like Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau.
The belief that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture and are not absolute.
noble savage
An Enlightenment idea that primitive man was sin-free and happier than civilized Europeans.
The suppression of parts of books or other works due to perceived offensive content.
Rooms in Parisian homes where Enlightenment ideas were debated and discussed.
separation of powers
Political concept advocated by Montesquieu dividing government powers into branches.
Philosophical movement of the 18th century believing in a Creator but rejecting the concept of a redeemer God.
Enlightened Absolutism
Voltaire's idea of a government where an all-powerful monarch governs wisely for the benefit of subjects.
Opposed to the power of religious authorities.
natural state
Rousseau's idea that living in a simple state in harmony with nature leads to greater happiness.
general will
Rousseau's philosophy suggesting that people share a common goal for happiness and progress.
Philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries focused on economic studies, with Adam Smith as a prominent example.