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Treaty of Rome
The initial document creating the the European Economic community in 1957 was the...
World Bank
Which international organization is primarily responsible for extending developmental loans to 3rd world nations?
A lack of accountability to the average citizen living in the member states because most EU institutions are not directly elected by the people
Which of the following best describes or demonstrates the EU’s democratic deficit?
Which supranational organization is primarily concerned with stabilizing world currencies and exchange rates so that global trade can continue in a smooth manner?
When the European Union gets into a dispute with China over tariffs on steel this is the supranational organization that would settle the disagreement...
Energy independence in the USA has dramatically decreased the power of this supranational organization...
Which organization was created in the 1970's as a method for the world's leading industrial economies to make international economic policy decisions?
In order to join a supranational organization an individual country needs to relinquish some of it's...
Which country was kicked out of the G-8 several years ago to make it the G-7?
The Council of Ministers represent only their own countries while Commissioners represent supranational concerns
The EU Council of Ministers differs from the EU Commission in that...
In the Qualified Majority System, the number of votes given to each country is roughly determined by...
Creating a European Union standing army
Which of the following policy initiatives of the EU has been the least successful?
ALL the statements support Enlargement
Which of the following statements is NOT an argument for further EU enlargement (more countries)?
Direct popular elections by the people of their respective individaul countries
Members of European Parliament (MEPs) are selected by...
The Greek government had full sovereignty to spend the $94 billion bailout from the European Central Bank
Which of the following policies would NOT be included in any austerity measuers that were imposed upon Greece in 2015?
The EU Constitution was defeated in referendum votes in France and the Netherlandse
Which of the following statements are TRUE about the European Constitution?
Which type of electoral system is used in European Union Parliamentary elections? HINT: UKIP was able to win seats under this system
To set broad policy initiatives
The job of the European Council is...
Which country was the first to ever leave the European Union?
Abolished borders controls like the need for a passport
Which of the following best describes the Schengen Area?
It established the idea of European citizenship; It paved the way for a single European currency
Which of the following statements about the Maastricht Treaty are correct?
1 - It established the idea of European citizenship
2 - It established a uniform criminal code for all EU countries
3 - It paved the way for a single European currency
4 - It created a common army to defend all of Europe
Which of the following was NOT one of the original 6 EU charter countries?
How many countries would the EU need to agree in order to currently reach Unanimity?
The Supranational will exert control or authority over some policy making that was previously controlled by the state
How does membership in a Supranational organization challenge an individual State's sovereignty?
The EU does not have a Constitution that is essential for most national governments; As of this time the EU does not have an army and a singular defense policy.
Which of the following are examples of why the European Union is a Supranational and NOT considered a state?
1 - There are no borders for the European Union and that means there can be no sovereignty which is essential for a state.
2 - The EU does not collect any type of taxes from its citizens so therefore it is not a state.
3 - The EU does not have a Constitution that is essential for most national governments.
4 - The European Union does not have a common language that is necessary for a functioning country.
5- As of this time the EU does not have an army and a singular defense policy.
European Court of Justice
Who would resolve internal trade disputes between EU member nations over matters such as what can be called "chocolate"?
Which of the following were created in the aftermath of World War 2?
Which EU country has the greatest number of MEP's?
European Commission
Which EU institution acts as the Executive even though it is not a singular person?
Purposefully limits supply to drive up prices
What tool does OPEC use in order to maximize its potential profits?
European Union countries are generally more democratic and wealthier than ECOWAS countries
What is the primary difference between ECOWAS and the European Union?
structural adjustment
Which of the following best defines a policy that the IMF may require from an individual state in exchange for assistance?
Iran & Nigeria
Which of the following pairs of countries are currently in OPEC?
Dependency Theory
The idea that the G7 is making decsions which are primarily beneficial to their own interests would be most associated with which of the following?