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Quality assurance
plan for the
systematic assessment of the
equipment or department
Quality Control
set of activities that help to monitor
and maintain equipment
Acceptance testing
done when equipment is first installed
Routine Maintenance
one periodically to ensure equipment is performing
Error maintenance
done when equipment malfunctions and needs to be
Continuous quality improvement (CQI)
focuses to improve. the process so that the service is good
Total Quality Management: (TQM)
Encompasses maintenance of equipment, image acquisition and processing standards
what is PACS being evaluated for in QC
1. Image display quality. (on monitor and for film)
2. Processing speed
3. Network transfer speed
4. Integrity of compressed data called back from archives
how. dowe test the monitor?
doing a test on SMPTE and the AAPM TG18-QC test pattern
Electronic Display Device
The performance of all display
devices must be checked using a
test pattern Monthly.
AAPM test pattern
SMPTE test pattern
what shoudl we be observing in a SMPTE test
color, sharpness, optimal luminance, and noise
how to test if the qulaity images are being maintained?
save images with no compression, lossless compression on a 2:1 ratio, and. a lossy compression. compare to original
routine procedures for CR
cracks or scratches, cleaning, erasure, and reader
DR quality control
uniformity, contrast, spatial accuracy, noise, etc.
Relative Sensitivity Test:
nsures that the CR
reader system sensitivity calibration or DR system
sensitivity are consistent with baseline
Uniformity test
evaluates uniformity of image
brightness across the scanning width (CR) or DR
Uniformity Test Steps
Use a 180 cm SID and 80 kVp and enough mAS to produce 10 mR of
radiation. process IR and examine. should be 10% within eachother
Image noise test
evaluates the image for noise
or artifacts
Erasure test
confirms that the CR plate has been
completely erased or that all previous charges are
removed in DR
what should be done annually
ā¢ Response function
ā¢ Exposure index
ā¢ Dynamic range
ā¢ Uniformity
ā¢ Spatial resolution
ā¢ Contrast detectablilty
ā¢ Digital detector residual images
ā¢ Phantom dose measurements
Some annual duties may include
ā¢ Light field congruence
ā¢ AEC testing
ā¢ Some of the daily duties include:
ā¢ Clean and erase CR plates
ā¢ Monitor test pattern