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What is Asklepius known for in ancient Greek mythology?
Asklepius is a deity associated with healing and medicine.
Who is often referred to as the 'Father of Medicine'?
Hippocrates is often referred to as the 'Father of Medicine'.
What did Hippocrates introduce to the field of medicine?
He introduced clinical observation and the concept of prognosis.
What significant anatomical work is Herophilus known for?
He is known as the founder of anatomy and was the first to dissect human bodies.
What major contribution did Erasistratus make to the understanding of the circulatory system?
He distinguished arteries from veins.
What is Claudius Galen known for in medical history?
He wrote extensively on anatomy and physiology, laying the foundation for medical understanding.
What major work is Al Razi known for?
He wrote 'Kitab al-Hawi,' a comprehensive medical encyclopedia. and 'Kitab al-Mansuri,' which focused on clinical medicine.
What seminal textbook did Ibn Sina author?
Ibn Sina authored 'The Canon of Medicine'.-organized knowledge of medicine
How did Constantinus Africanus influence medieval medicine?
He translated numerous Arabic medical texts into Latin.
What is Trotula known for in medieval medicine?
She is known for her texts on women's health, specifically gynecological and obstetric topics.
What contribution did Hildegard von Bingen make to medicine?
She contributed to herbal medicine and wrote 'Physica' on healing properties of plants.
What did Girolamo Fracastoro explore in his work 'De contagione et contagiosis morbis'?
He explored concepts of contagion and infectious diseases-spreading through '“spores”.
What revolutionized the understanding of human anatomy in Andreas Vesalius's work?
His detailed illustrations and meticulous dissection revolutionized the understanding of human anatomy.
Who is considered the father of modern surgery?
Ambroise Paré is known as the father of modern surgery.
What major discovery did William Harvey make?
He discovered the circulation of blood through the body.
What was Thomas Sydenham's focus in his contribution to medicine?
He emphasized careful observation and clinical description of diseases.
What did John Graunt contribute to the field of public health?
He analyzed mortality data and made significant contributions to understanding population trends.
What area of medicine did Bernardino Ramazzini pioneer?
He is considered the father of occupational medicine.
What major contribution did Edward Jenner make to public health?
He developed the smallpox vaccine.
What revolutionary device did René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec invent?
He invented the stethoscope.
What concept did Joseph Lister introduce to improve surgery?
He introduced antisepsis and the use of carbolic acid for sterilizing instruments.
What significant role did John Snow play in epidemiology ?
He traced the source of a cholera outbreak in London to a contaminated water pump.
What did Louis Pasteur contribute to microbiology?
He developed vaccines for rabies, anthrax, and other diseases.
What was one major achievement of Alexander Fleming?
He discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic.
What term did Kazimierz Funk coin?
He coined the term 'vitamin'.
What did John F. Enders develop methods for?
He developed methods for growing the poliovirus in culture, leading to the polio vaccine.
What was Horace Wells known for in the field of medicine?
known for his pioneering use of nitrous oxide as an anesthetic during dental surgery.
What is William Morton known for in the field of medicine?
using ether as an anaesthetic
What major contribution did James Simpson make
James Simpson is credited with introducing chloroform as an anesthetic during childbirth.
William roentgen made
x ray
Ignaz Semmelweis is known for
antiseptic procedures-handwashing
What is Robert Koch known for?
developing the germ theory of disease and identifying the causative agents of tuberculosis and cholera.