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Cubism Important Artists
Pablo Picasso
Georges Braque
Robert Delaunay
what is cubism?
an art movement that emerged in the early 20th century. Cubism explored the human relationship with the mundane and extraordinary and was characterized by it's analytic and synthetic qualities.
Lyubov Popova (1889-1924)
The model. Standing figure.
Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907
Sonia Delaunay Electric Prisms 1913
What is Pop Art?
emerged in the 1950s as a surprising break-away from previous movements.use their art to communicate more effectively with the viewer.
Roy Lichtenstein was the famed pioneer of this movement and used his art in a commercial way, expressing emotion and ideas in a very vividly appealing way that his audience could easily understand and relate to.
pop art
Shot Marilyns 1964 Andy Warhol
Art movements from 1900 to 1945
Movements from 1945 to 2000
Existentialism, Abstract Expressionism,Pop art,Superrealism,Neoexpressionism and feminism, performance art.
What is super realism?
a very small movement that further interpreted the Pop Art movement in the 1960s
Artists during this movement brought a return to idealism and perfection in their art
Many artists during this time period created their works of art based off of photographs.
This return to a more classical style of art was short lived and fell easily to the more political art of the 1970s and 1980's.
Pencil Art by Diego Fazio
synthetic cubism
Pablo Picasso Violin
Guernica Pablo Picasso
synthetic cubism
champs de mars the red tower Robert Delaunay 1911
pop art important artists
Warhol,Paolozzi,Keith Haring, Robert Indiana,Roy Lichtentstein
Pop art
The radiant baby 1990 Keith haring
pop art
LOVE 1960s Indiana
pop art
Warhol Campbell soup cans 1962
Art deco
William Van Allen NYC The Chrysler building 1930
Precionism importance
(American art movement: machines precision its importance in modern life) Georgia O’Keeffe
What is bauhaus?
word meaning literally ‘house of building, Bauhaus’ focus was on the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk (the ‘total work of art’), aiming to combine all arts in one place and under a united ideology, from fine art to industrial design, from graphic design to typography, interior design, and architecture.
Bauhaus Key Artists
Key artists: Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, and László Moholy-Nagy
Bauhaus Wassily Kandinsky, Yellow-Red-Blue, 1925
bauhaus Paul Klee,Red Balloon, 1922
Propaganda art
It is a form of biased communication that is expressed through forms of art that do not always depict one set of thoughts in a clear way. A way to clearly stir the emotions of a populace and drive a one-sided opinion.
propaganda art
J. Howard Miller’s “We Can Do It!,” commonly mistaken to depict Rosie the Riveter, conveyed the same message