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whole blood
red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
liquid portion of blood
formed elements
cells and cell fragments: erythrocytes (RBC), leukocytes (WBC), thrombocytes(P)
leukocytes W
fight infection
Erythrocytes R
carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
help prevent bleeding and cause clumping
majority of formed elements
blood cells are made
bone marrow
function of hemoglobin
Protein contained in red blood cells that is responsible for delivery of oxygen to tissues
anemia & causes
Body does not have enough red blood cells, iron deficiency, vitamin b12 deficiency, folate deficiency.
A hormone that is made by your kidney to stimulate the production of red blood cells. Released by a response to low blood oxygen levels
Blood Group A
A antigens Anti-B antibodies
Blood Group B
B antigens Anti-A antibodies
Blood Group AB
both A and B antigens, no antibodies
Blood Group O
no antigens both Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies
not enough platelets, You may have trouble stopping bleeding
platelets made of
very large cells in the bone marrow called megakaryocytes
pulmonary circuit
blood between heart and lungs
systemic circuit
heart and rest of the body
thicker walls, closer to heart, receive more pressure
thinner walls, farther from heart, less pressure
instrument used to measure blood pressure
reason for measuring in arteries
Because every time your heart beats it pumps into the arteries
systolic pressure
top number, max pressure heart exerts while beating
diastolic pressure
bottom number: amount of pressure in arteries between beats
capillaries in systemic circuit
allow the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to organ and muscle cells, and the removal of waste and carbon dioxide
capillaries in pulmonary circuit
collect and form the pulmonary veins that bring oxygenated blood back to the left atrium
Tubular reabsorption
water and solutes not reabsorbed by capillaries are able to return to the bloodstream
Lymphatic vessels
what do water and solutes go through