-pals battalion (groups that let friends join together) -boredom/sense of adventure (chance to see the world) -chance to escape poverty (paid salary + given food & shelter) -propaganda (mass persuasion/lots of posters) -fear of the white feather (didn't want to be seen as a coward) -thought the war would be over by christmas (didn't want to miss out and all thought the war would last a couple months) -scottish tradition (family members may have been soldiers & scots had a rep of strong fighter that they wanted to maintain
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trench conditions
-wet/muddy=trench foot=could lead to amputation -shell shock=some went mad -dead bodies-smell bad/low morale -lice (infest clothes/hair make them itchy) -poor quality drinking water led to trench mouth -unsanitary conditions led to spread of diseases like typhoid + cholera -rats-massive + stole food & spread diseases
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gas advantages
-caused blindness + psychological fear -capable of disorientating or even killing enemy soldiers -mustard gas, skin to blister & internal bleeding
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tanks advantages
-used as cover for advancing troops -crush barbed wire -drive enemy into dugout to allow for easy capture of trenches
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tanks disadvantages
-get stuck in mud -soldiers become ill from engine -very slow with top speed of 4mph
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aircraft advantages
-drop flechettes on targets from above -used for spying/gather intelligence on enemy position/defences -drop bombs
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aircraft disadvantages
-airplane guns not always effective, including jamming -early planes were flimsy and dangerous to drive
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machine guns advantages
-fire 400-600 bullets every minute -kill large number of soldiers in a short period bc of quick firing -easy to use
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machine guns disadvantages
-overheated bc of speed at which they fired stopping them being completely useful -heavy and could not be easily moved around the battlefield
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gas disadvantages
-development of gas masks limited effectiveness of gas -wind could blow gas back on own troops
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artillery advantages
-difficult to defend against and caused more casualties than any other weapon -up to 60% of western front soldier deaths were as a result of artillery fire
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artillery disadvantages
-as soldiers advanced it was difficult to measure where to fire causing casualties to a sides own soldiers -barrels of artillery cannons needed regularly replaced slowing down their use
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defence of the realm act (DORA) CENSORSHIP RULES
-to stop info getting in wrong hands -discussing military issues in public/spreading rumors was illegal -newspapers were censored in what they were allowed to write about the war
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DORA rules
-ppl forbidden from trespassing/loitering near bridges/tunnels -patrol of mines & railways to help produce raw materials for war -foreign ppl faced curfew/expected to register to live in Britain -british summer time to give longer working hours -pubs reduced opening hours & beer was watered down -rationing (not allowed to feed spare food to animals such as horses + chickens etc.)
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military tactics
-artillery (both sides firing at each other, large number of deaths) -soldiers go "over the top" (mass attack when soldiers climb out of trenches and charge at the enemy) -tanks (attack enemy and cover advancing troops across no mans land) -trained snipers (hide in no mans land under camouflage & wait for an enemy soldier to lift his head out of the trench before shooting them causing fear) -gas (soldiers exposed to gas would become disorientated or killed) -building trenches & installing machine gun towers made it hard for enemies to advance) -airplanes (spy on enemy positions + after guns, they became involved in dogfights too)
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suffragist methods
-peaceful protests -petitions to parliament (1910-250,000 signatures) -newspaper 'the suffragist' + leaflets etc. -worked with politicians (have them on their side + helped pro female suffrage candidates) -processions (1907 'mud march')
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suffragist success
-membership increased up to 100,000 members in 1913 & 500 branches nationwide -maintained a "respectable" politician if given publicity -large memberships=money->propaganda->influence -friends with politicians
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suffragist failure
-historians suggest that it was suffragETTE activity which caused the rise in suffragIST members -being peaceful made it easy to be ignored -lost essential political support from liberals in 1910
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suffragette methods
-spit at policemen -stone throwing/smashing windows to make insurance companies push the government -imprisoned suffragettes started hunger strikes + give government bad publicity for force feeding -cutting telegraph wires to disrupt communication -pour acid on golf courses -arson attacks -blow up pillar boxes -"slasher Mary" attacked paintings in national gallery -burnt down David Lloyd George's house -Emily Wilding Davison killed trying to pin a scarf to the kings horse at the 1913 derby
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suffragette success
-brough much needed publicity to movement -during the wild period, women's suffrage was discussed daily in parliament -some politicians claimed they gave women the vote
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suffragette failure
-maybe delayed women getting the vote bc the government could never give in to terrorist attacks -choice of target was criticised (why shops?!) + annoyed public eg ripping suffragette posters -violence lost public support (in 1910 the Times described them as "demented creatures") -violence/tactics supported the idea that women were too emotional to vote -pro female suffrage candidates did badly in by-elections -caused divisions in campaign for women's suffrage
-propaganda (leaflets, posters, football) -conscription -pals battalions -fear of white feather
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why was conscription introduced
-number of volunteers were falling bc ppl were being told war horror stories
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conscription timeline
-1915-national registration act: list of all men fit for military service -1916-conscription introduced (military service act):single men between 18-41 years old could be forced to join army -later 1916-a second act passed which extended conscription to married men -1918-act raised the age to 51
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exemptions from conscription
-medically unfit to serve in the forces -those in reserved occupations (police, fireservice, teacher, coal miners, steelworkers and farmers) -conscientious objectors -those who would be adversely financially affected by serving in army
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conscientious objectors reasons
-moral reasons: believed it was wrong to take a life(pacifists) -religious reasons: taking part in war went against religion (Quakers) -political: war only benefitted rich (socialists) -16,000 in total
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conchies service
-some pacifists agreed to perform non-combat service like stretcher bearers -or other war work like ship building
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conchies imprisonment and labour
-refused to do any other work (absolutists)->sent to prison + do hard labour -very harsh conditions
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conchies treatment in prison
-force fed -tied in straight jackets -beaten -kept in filthy cells -tortured -fed on bread + water
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scotland's loss
-of 557,000 Scots who enlisted in all services, 26.4% lost their lives -city of Glasgow lost 18,000 men (1 in every 57) -whole towns were devastated after single battles due to pals battalions being decimated -e.g Macrae's(hearts) battalion-hearts players killed during the Somme
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how to commemorate
-memorials built in every town + village -remembrance day 11Nov minute silence (day the armistice was signed) -poppy worn during November -Scottish national war memorial in Edinburgh castle -Imperial war graves commision-graves in areas such as france and belgium (soldiers buried where they fell)
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what was propaganda used for
-convince men to enlist -support rationing/help with food shortages -encourage women to join workforce -convincing families to support their men