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origins of indig
nomads from siberia who crossed land bridge that connected asia to americas; earliest inhabitants of new world 30,000 BCE. land bridge covered after glaciers melted post ice age
amer southwest
hopi and zuni, anasazi (not a term excepted by all)
ohio and miss valleys (cahokia)
eastern woodlands
algonquian, iroquoian. language groups, v diff from other societies. not settled horticulturalists.
amer southwest
pueblo, terraced buildings and faming
treaty of tordesillas
spain west, portugal east (gets brazil b/c it’s eastern enough)
doctrine of discovery
allows ppl to lay claim to already inhabited lands b/c there aren’t any christians living there
trade - alcohol, guns metal goods
tribal political autonomy
french better b/c even tho trade worse, kinder to indig than brit/amer are
ohio river
control of river = control of region b/c trade
pontiac’s rebellion
brit reneges on treaty w/ natives, ppl settle on native land → revolt. amer ultimately wins, but lead to declaration of 1763 that says can’t settle west of appalachain mountains
indian trade and intercourse act
fed gov gives indig livestock and tools, turn natives away from communal land ownership and possess private property
treaty of greenville
force natives to give up claims to contested land and permitted US to build forts around ohio (mostly east and north, south less organized and made treaties)
travel urging ppl to give up white ways and return to indig ways, spiritual and cultural renewal. urge resistance to amer aggression, repudiate land cessions to gov, travelt to convert ppl to his movement. results in battle to take back land → tecumseh dies. no more armed resistance after that
ghost dance
wovoke, paiute holy man, dreamed ceremony. participants reunite w/ dead relatives, buffalo returned, non-indians disappeared (in dream). swept through res 1890, sometimes seen as self torture, could stay in trance up to 24 hours. battle of wounded knee → massacre
made written version of cherokee language
cherokee nation v. georgia
SC said they did not have right to bring suit b/c not citizens of US
worcester v. georgia
white man brought case to court saying nation not sovereign if white ppl need a US license to be on their land, ruled that natives were in fact sovereign
fort laramie treaty
second one gave the black hills to Dakota and Lakota (both Sioux) people. first treaty just meant indig had to let travelers and gov on their land, and if they upheld their end the gov supposed to pay them.
when did indigenous ppl become U.S. citizens?
indian reorganization act
decrease fed gov involvement and increase indig self government (1934)
wounded knee
massacre of indig people
battle of the little bighorn
killed custer
self determination act
no more boarding schools, 1975. could contract w/ fed government to operate programs the way they wanted to
fed gov doesn’t want to be responsible anymore, that’s why not all tribes federally recognized. move indig to urban areas post war