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A rough elevated surface that marks the attachment of a ligament or tendon
small rounded projection;
Narrow ridge of bone; usually prominent
Very large, blunt, irregularly shaped process on the femur.
Rounded articular projection.
Narrow ridge of bone, less prominant then crest vertically on a long bone or area horizontally on a long bone where a growth plate has closed.
Raised area on or above a condyle.
Sharp, slender, often pointed projection.
Any bone prominence.
Bony expansion carried on a narrow neck.
Smooth, nearly flat articular surface.
Armlike bar of bone.
Irregular elongated hole in a bone
Round or oval opening through a bone.
Canal-like passageway
Shallow, basin-like depression in a bone, often serving as an articular surface.
Bone markings
Sites of muscle, ligament and tendon attachment, as joint surfaces, or as conduits for blood vessels and nerves.
types of tissue in bone
osseous, nervous, cartilage fibrous connective tissue, muscle and epithelial in blood vessels
types of bone
compact = dense made up of osteons , rigid outer bone
spongy=porous inner bone, small trabeculae of bone and lots of open space
classifications of bone
long =(humerus, femur, phalanges) more long then wide, shaft with head, mostly compact bone
short= (talas, tarsals, carpals) cube like, more spongy
flat= thin, flat, slightly curved (sternum, scapula, ribs, most skull bones)
irregular= all other shapes (vertebra and pelvic girdle)
Contains no blood vessels or nerves
hyaline= support with flexability- end of bones, costal cartilages, nasal and respirtory cartilages
elastic =flexable - ear and epiglottis
fibrocartilage= highly compressible, great tensile strength - knee menisci, antifretegral discs, pubic syphisis
Dense irregular connective tissue membrane covering cartilage- delivers nutrients to cartlage via blood vessels
Number of bones in the body
206, 8 cranial ,14 facial
skeletal classification
axial (80) (skull, vertebral, thoracic cage) and appendicular (126) (limbs and girdles)
Sutures of the skull
coronal, sagittal, lamboid, squamous
- membraneous joint where 2 fetal skull bones meet
-facilitate moulding during birth
skull bones
frontal, 2 parietal, occipital, 2 temporal, sphenoid, ethnoid
coronal suture
squamous suture
Name this suture.
lamboid suture
sagittal suture
frontal bone
Parietal Bone
(lateral view)
supraorbital foramen (notch)
parietal bone
zygomatic process
mastoid process
zygomatic process (on temporal bone)
mandibular fossa
jugular foramen
carotid foramen (canal)
external acoustic meatus
occipital bone
foreman magnum
occipital condyles
external occipital protuberance
superior nuchal line
inferior nuchal line
sphenoid bone
optic canal
superior orbital fissure
sella turcica
lesser and greater wings of sphenoid
pterygoid process
ethmoid bone- perpendicular plate
crista galli
cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
olfactory foramina
perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
middle nasal concha
Maxilla Bone
palatine bone
nasal bone
lacrimal bone
inferior nasal conchae (2 bones)
Zygomatic bone
mandible angle
mandible ramus
Mandible Body (Mandible)
mental foreman
mandibular foramen
aveolar margin
mandibular condyle
coranoid process
mandibular symphysis
maxilla alveolar margin
infraorbital foramen
palatine process of maxilla
incisive fossa of maxilla
palatine bone
lacrimal fossa
Lacrimal canal
no body or spinous process
anterior tubercle (point at bottom)
posterior tubercle (point at top)
has "dens" pointing outward
cervical vertebrae (C1-C7)
transverse formina (holes for blood @ nerves)
bifid spinous process
Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12)
only vertebrae with demifacets (front of body where rib articulates)
Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5)
big body/moose-transverse process straight out
vertabrae body
vertebral arch
vertebrae pedicles
vertebrae lamina
vertebrae foramen
hole for spinal cord
Spinous process of vertebra
transverse process of vertebrae
superior articular process and facet
intervertebral foramen
Sacrum Vertebrae S1-S5