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different groups NO # example- gender
categories ranking
example- level of education
more sophisticated statistical treatments; the intervals between levels are equal in size.
have both equal intervals and an absolute zero point
bar graph
use separate and distinct bars for each piece of information.
nominal and ordinal, looking at a single variable
uses bars that are side-by-side next to each other.
interval/ratio, interpretations of the shape
Central tendency
a single number or value that describes the typical or central score among a set.
Central tendency nominal
Mode: the most frequent score
Central tendency ratio/interval
Mean: obtained by adding all the scores and dividing by the number of scores
the amount of spread in a distribution of scores.
Standard deviation
the average deviation of scores from the mean
On average how much do scores vary?
• Symbolized as s and abbreviated as SD in scientific reports.
the square of the standard deviation
Inferential statistics
whether the results match if repeatedly conducted with multiple samples.
Descriptive statistics
used to describe the strength of the effect or relationship:
• Measures of effect size (Cohen’s d) are used to describe differences in a quantitative variable between groups or conditions
null hypothesis
the population means are equal and that the observed difference is due to random error.
Null Hypothesis Testing
• Based on the probability of the difference being related to sampling error
Retain the null hypothesis
(and accept that the results are due to sampling error and do not represent real differences in the population)
Reject the null hypothesis
(and accept that the results from the sample are representative of the population)
One-tailed tests
specifies a direction of difference between the groups.
Two-tailed tests
does not specify a predicted direction of difference.
Sample size
the total number of observations—has an impact on determinations of statistical significance.
• Greater size produces more confidence.
Type 1
when we reject the null hypothesis but the null hypothesis is actually true.
based on the choice of significance or alpha level.
Type 2
when the null hypothesis is accepted but in the population the research hypothesis is true.
Factors that affect Type 1 error
The lower the significance or alpha level, the lower the probability of an error.
• .05, .01., or .001
p-hacking (type 1 error)
an exploitation of data analysis in order to discover patterns which would be presented as statistically significant, when there is no underlying effect.
the practice of publicly sharing a research and data analysis plan before starting a study
Factors that affect Type 2 error
affected by the studies power which is related to three factors:
Significance (alpha) level;
Sample size; and
Effect size.
Quasi-experimental design name
an experiment where the researcher does not have full experimental control
Quasi means “resembling”
→ resembles a true experiment
True experimental design
• Uses random assignment to treatment group(s)
• The researcher designs the treatment
• Requires the use of control groups
Quasi-experimental design
• Uses non-random assignment (naturally occurring groups)
• Researcher does not have control over the design of the treatment
• Control groups are not required (but recommended)
a dependent variable is measured for one group of participants following a treatment (no comparison group)
Example- car accidents, and after watching 13 Reasons why
Non-equivalent groups
a researcher measures a dependent variable between existing groups where only one of the groups experiences the treatment
• Researchers choose groups as similar as possible to reduce confounds
• Most common type of quasi-experimental design
two groups one different than the other, no random assignment and manipulating exposure. (existing groups or one group that experiences a change)
Interrupted times series
multiple measurements taken at intervals over a period of time before and after treatment with one group
Multiple assessments of the DV over time
Cross-sectional method
persons of different ages are measured at the same point in time.
Longitudinal method
the same group of people is observed at different points in time as they grow older.
Most famous Harvard (1938)- young men from Harvard, and one from a different background
Factorial designs
compares more than one independent variable (or factor) on a single measured variable
The simplest factorial design—a 2 × 2 factorial design— has two independent variables, each having two levels.
simples experimental design
are only two levels of the independent variable (IV).
Factorial Design format
# x # The number itself represents how many levels the IV has number of conditions
Each number represents an IV
Main effects
the effect that each IV has on the dependent variable independently
One to consider for each IV in the study
The example has TWO
• (1) Time of instruction
• (2) Setting
situation in which the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable changes depending on the level of another independent variable.
Interactions cannot be obtained in a simple experimental design
One for each set of IVs
• Ex: 2 x 2 has one interaction (A x B)
• Ex: 2 x 2 x 2 has three interactions (A x B, B x C, and A x C)
Types of interactions
crossover X
Single-case experiment designs
a type of quantitative, experimental research that involves studying in detail the behavior of a small number of participants
• Also called single-case design and small-N design.
Involves a detailed analysis of a single person, or small set of individuals, change in behavior or attitude based on a manipulation.
Single-case experiment designs used…
during a baseline period, followed by experimental manipulation and repeated measurement of the dependent variable.
Reversal design
a single-case design in which the treatment is introduced after a baseline period and then withdrawn during a second baseline period.
ABA reversal design:
Phase A: baseline is established for the DV (no treatment)
Phase B: researcher introduces treatment
Phase A: researcher removes treatment
Multiple baseline design
observing behavior before and after a manipulation under multiple circumstances.
Across (a) different individuals, (b) different behaviors, or (c) different settings.
Across participants (a)
Baseline is established for each participant
Then, treatment is introduced at a different time for each participant
Across behaviors (b)
Baselines are established for the same participant(s)
Treatment is introduced at a different time for each behavior (aka each dependent variable)
Across settings (c )
• Imagine you are interested in how positive attention effects reading in different settings
IV: positive attention
DV: reading in different settings
When are multiple baseline designs preferred?
when you want to study the effects of an intervention on multiple behaviors, individuals, or settings without the need to withdraw treatment
data analyzed for single-case experiments
Inferential statistics are typically not used
• Relies heavily on visual inspection of data
Plotting individual participants’ data
Examine the plots carefully
Make judgements about the IV’s effect
Factors considered in single-case experiments analysis
• Level: changes in level of the DV from condition to condition
• Trend: gradual increases or decreases in the DV across observations
• Latency: time it takes for the DV to begin changing after a change in condition
Effects of restriction of range with correlation
Null vs research hypothesis
Type of inferential test statistic for testing group differences on a quantitative variable
(hint: the one use for study #1)
T- test
designed to compare the means of two groups, allowing you to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between them
Type of inferential test statistic for two quantitative variables (hint: the one used for study
Pearson correlation coefficient (r) - which measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship
between the two variables
Can quasi-experiments support causal claims?
Advantage of factorial designs
How to interpret main effects