The Human Body Systems

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What is the main function of the circulatory system?

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What is the main function of the circulatory system?

Helps tissues obtain the necessary amounts of oxygen and nutrients, as well as helps in the removal of waste

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What types of nutrients are transported by the circulatory system?

Sugar, Amino Acids, Ions

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What types of waste are collected and transported by the circulatory system?

Carbon dioxide

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What are hormones? How do they travel from the organ where they are produced to their target cells?

Your body uses hormones as chemical messengers. They move to tissues or organs through your bloodstream. They affect many aspects, including growth and development, and work gradually over time.

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What type of tissue is the heart made of? What is its function?

Muscular and connective tissue

Function: The heart pumps blood around your body

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What is the function of veins and arteries? How are veins different from arteries?

Arteries: They carry nutrient and oxygen filled blood, they also have thick walls to contain high pressure of blood flow

Veins: They carry blood to the heart, carries deoxygenated blood back to lungs

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What are capillaries? What is their function?

They are responsible for gas exchange between lungs + bloodstream + other cells

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What organ systems does the circulatory system work most closely with?

The Respiratory System

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In what organisms do you find lots of capillaries? Why are there so many there as opposed to other places in the body?

In the liver and that’s because they need a lot of oxygen and nutrients because they have fast metabolism

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How does the circulatory system help a human maintain homeostasis?

By ensuring that there is a steady and controlled flow of blood to all body cells, the circulatory system keeps the body in a state of homeostasis. As a result, the circulatory system's functions can ensure that every cell maintains a stable and balanced internal environment.

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What is the equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H20 + energy

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Where in the body does cellular respiration occur?

The cell’s mitochondria

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What are the two main functions of the respiratory system?

To transport oxygen and remove carbon dioxide

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What gasses are exchanged during respiration?

Capillaries allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to enter the air sacs. Red blood cells absorb oxygen when it enters the capillaries, while carbon dioxide is released into the lungs to be exhaled.

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Why is oxygen useful to an organism?

Oxygen improves organism's' ability to reproduce, grow, and convert food into energy.

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Why is carbon dioxide harmful to humans?

By inhalation, CO2 is seen as having minimal toxic effects.

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What are alveoli? What is their function in the respiratory system?

They are tiny air sacs that are connected to the bronchioles. While breathing in and out, oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the blood and lungs.

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What are the lungs? What is their function in the respiratory system?

Eliminates carbon dioxide from the body and provides oxygen to it. As you breath in, air enters your lungs and the oxygen gets provided to your blood.

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What is the diaphragm? What is their function in the respiratory system?

It is located below the lungs, and a dome-shaped muscle. The diaphragm flattens and tightens during inhalation, and the chest cavity widens. A vacuum is created by this contraction, drawing air into the lungs.

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What organ system does the respiratory system work closest with?

The Circulatory System

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What type of transport occurs between the respiratory and circulatory system?

Diffusion (Passive)

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How do the respiratory and circulatory system work together?

By transporting blood to and from the lungs, the circulatory system, which is made up of the heart and blood vessels, helps the respiratory system.

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How does the respiratory system help a human maintain homeostasis?

Providing oxygen to cells, removing carbon dioxide waste, and preserving the blood's pH

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What is the most important element in biology?


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Where do humans get useful carbon from?

Carbon from plants and animals that lived millions of years ago is stored in rocks like limestone and fossil fuels like coal and oil.

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What are the three main functions of the digestive system?

Food digestion, nutritional absorption from food, and removal of solid food waste

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What is mechanical digestion?

Physically breaking meal components to tiny pieces helps with chemical digestion more effectively

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What is chemical digestion?

Breaks down the complicated compounds using water and digestive enzymes.

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What is absorption?

The procedure of transferring nutrients from the intestines into the blood so that the body is able to utilize them

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Of the three functions of the digestive system, what are the functions of the mouth?

Chemical and mechanical digestion

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Describe the stomach. What is its function in the digestive system?

A hollow organ, it takes in food from the esophagus and it uses chemical digestion to break down food and drink then mixed with digestive juices in the stomach muscles

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Describe the small intestine. What is its function?

An extended tube-like structure that joins the large intestine to the stomach. Helps in speeding up the digestive process of food

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Describe the large intestine. What is its function?

A lengthy, tube-like organ that connects to the anus and the small intestine on either end. creating and absorbing vitamins, absorbing water and electrolytes, creating and directing feces toward the rectum for disposal

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Describe the structure and function of villi.

Description: The small intestine's inside is lined with tiny projections that resemble hairs.

Function: The absorbing surface area is increased by villi. Every cell in the body receives ingested food through the blood arteries of the villi, where it is used to produce energy, create new tissues, and restore damaged ones.

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Describe the pancreas. What is its function in the digestive system?

An abdomen-placed glandular organ and it makes enzymes that break down sugars, fats, and starches

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What organ system does the digestive system work most closely with?

The Circulatory System

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How do the digestive system and the circulatory system work together to provide nutrients to cells?

The intestine lining is helped by special cells so that absorbed nutrients can enter your bloodstream.

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How does the digestive system help a human maintain homeostasis?

By making sure that the pH balance in the stomach environment is appropriate, the digestive system sustains homeostasis. To maintain homeostasis, the body uses both positive and negative mechanisms. The many systems cooperate when the body notices an imbalance to rebalance and return to the proper balance.

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What are some sources of waste products in the human body?

Metabolic Waste: substances dissolved in sweat or urine, salt gases such carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and excess fluid

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What organelle(s) eliminate(s) waste from cells?


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What is the function of the excretory system?

To remove waste from the body

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What are some examples of waste that need to be removed from the body?

Ions, water, and urea

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Describe the kidneys. What is their function? What types of waste do they remove from the body?

Two fist-sized organs in the shape of beans. Urea and creatinine.

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Describe the liver. What is its function? What types of waste does it remove from the body?

The largest solid organ in the body. Its function is to remove toxins from the body, maintain healthy blood sugar levels and regulates blood clotting. It removes urea and creatinine.

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Describe the skin. What is its function? What types of waste does it remove from the body?

It is the largest organ of the body. It removes water (sweat).

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What organ system(s) does the excretory system work most closely with? Describe how each organsystem works with the excretory system.

The Circulatory System.

Liver:  processes blood, breaking down the nutrients and chemicals your blood carries

Kidneys: clean the blood, removing waste products and extra water

Skin: dilating the blood vessels

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How does the excretory system help a human maintain homeostasis?

By eliminating extra water and waste from the body, the excretory system promotes a state of balance.

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What characteristic of life relies most on the nervous system?

Response to stimuli

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What is the function of the nervous system?

Helps the body's organs communicate with one another.

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What type of signals does the nervous system rely on?

Electrical and chemical signals

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Describe the brain. What is its function?

It is the most complex part of the body. Regulates every bodily function, including thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, respiration, temperature, and hunger.

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Describe the spinal cord. What is its function?

From the base of the skull down the middle of the back, a column of nerve tissue stretches. Its function is to communicate sensory data from the body to the brain, the brain receives motor directions from the body, and reflexes are coordinated.

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Neurons and nerves are synonymous. Describe a neuron/nerve cell. What is its function?

A particular kind of cell that communicates from the body to the brain and back to the body

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Describe the difference between sensory and motor neurons?

The central nervous system receives sensory impulses from sensory organs because of sensory neurons. Specific effectors receive motor impulses from motor neurons in the central nervous system.

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What organ system does the nervous system work most closet with? Describe how each organ system works with the nervous system

The Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, and Excretory system

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How does the nervous system help a human maintain homeostasis?

The nervous system quickly regulates bodily processes to keep the body in a state of homeostasis. Through the use of specialized cells or neurons that take in and send electrical impulses throughout the body, the nervous system communicates with a number of other systems.

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active cell transportation

requires energy from your body (ATP, moving through cell walls), moving from a low to high concentration, using a protein pump powered by ATP

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passive cell transportation

does not require energy (moving small particles)

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movement of small molecules across the cell membrane

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facilitated diffusion

protein channel allows molecules to move across the membrane

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water moving (aquaporins: protein channels specific to water)

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