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Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson sent James Monroe to receive rights to use French land, but Monroe instead bought the entire area for $15 million, violated Jefferson’s strict constructionist view
Corps of Discovery
Lewis and Clark’s exploration of new land, resulted in more accurate geographical knowledge and diplomatic relations with native populations
Marbury v. Madison
established Judicial Review after John Adams had appointed 16 judges to new judge spots, and James Madison refused to instate many appointees
McCulloch v. Maryland
supreme court decided federal law trumps state law
Hartford Convention
deliberating on how to end war of 1812
War of 1812
started over tension with Britain after US had been pulled into Britian/France conflict, British stirred up issues between natives and US, and impressment. US won
Era of Good Feelings
national unity after victory
American System
Henry Clay’s provisions to the Constitution: federally funded internal improvements (vetoed), implementation of protective tariffs, and re-establishment of Bank of US
Talmadge Amendment
prohibited slavery in new states
Compromise of 1820
Missouri became a slave state and Maine became free, the 36 30 line separated slave states from free states
Adams-Onis Treaty
1819, Spain sold Florida to the US and established location of the southern border
Monroe Doctrine
Western hemisphere claimed as US sphere of influence and perpetually free from European powers
Market Revolution
Northern industries and Southern farms linked to advance agriculture, industry, communication, and transportation (spurred by creation of cotton gin and spinning machine)
cheap, bad quality housing for mostly immigrants to live
Middle Class
businessmen, lawyers, doctors… growing income led to leisure activity indulgement
Cult of Domesticity
women expected to conform to societal norm of identity/purpose revolving around having children and taking care of the house
Panic of 1819
first depression, caused by irresponsible baking and decreased demand for exports, caused working men to pursue the right to vote so they could hold politicians accountable
Corrupt Bargain
1824 election John Q. Adams was endorsed by house speaker Henry Clay and voted president, JQA immediately appointed Clay as Secretary of State
Tariff of 1828
raised import duties up to 50%, North loved because it protected industry but South hated because they needed the imported goods
Doctrine of Nullification
states had the power to determine federal laws’ constitutionality and could nullify
Force Bill
Jackson’s response to SC’s nullification doctrine, allowed him to use federal troops to enforce federal law (SC nullified this bill)
Indian Removal Act
1830, resettlement of Indian nations across Mississippi River
Worcester v. Georgia
Georgians did not view Cherokee nation as sovereign, but court ruled them as such so no Georgia laws could be imposed upon their boundaries
Treaty of New Echota
US officials had undesignated group of Cherokee sign to exchange their land in GA for land west of Mississippi River
Trail of Tears
forced removal of natives from their claimed lands
transcendent power/beauty of nature, followed thought patterns of European romanticism at the time
2nd Great Awakening
evangelicals gave feverish teachings, emphasized society’s reform, the meetings were egalitarian (all types of people)
Temperance Movement
inspired by 2nd Great Awakening, crusade against alcohol consumption, created American Temperance Movement that targeted drinking, working class men
The Liberator
William Lloyd Garrison’s abolitionist newspaper that helped to convince white folks to take a stand against slavery
Seneca Falls Convention
1848, New York, first women’s rights conference
Declaration of Sentiments
called for women’s rights, equality in education and voting
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
black laborer organized slave revolt, killed 50+ white people, him and followers were hanged (increased fear for owners so they punished/disciplined harder)
Yeoman farmers
majority of southern, poor farmers, they did not own slaves but believed in slavery and the racial hierarchy