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The period of development in which we become able to reproduce.

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The egg is released from the ovary.

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The lining of the uterus breaks apart and passes out of the vagina.

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Male sex hormone.

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Female sex hormone.

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Endocrine System

A system that is in charge of creating and releasing hormones to maintain bodily functions

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Adrenal Glands

There are two glands and they help decide "fight or flight" response. They produce adrenaline.

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Pituitary Gland

"Master gland", influences growth _ metabolism

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Thyroid Gland

Increases metabolism and affects the speed in which cells work.

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What happens to females during puberty (physically)

Ovulation, Menstruation, Breasts develop, Hips widen

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What happens to Males during puberty (physically)

Sperm produced, Ejaculation, Genital parts grow

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What happens to females & Males during puberty (physically)

Voice changes, Body hair grows , Acne, Perspiration , Hormone production , Weight Change, Sex drive

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What happens to both during puberty (emotionally)

Relationship with others, Decision Making,Feelings ,Anxiety,Mental Health, Brain growth, hormones, risk taking

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What do u do when ur pregnant

Exercise regularly Eat Health foods (helps give vitamins and nutrients to both the mom and baby, lessen side effects of childbirth)

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What do u NOT do when ur pregnant

drink caffiene, smoke, do drugs, alcohol, eat raw foods

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1st Trimester

Baby - Eyes, face, and amniotic sac develop / Mom - Mood swings , morning sickness

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2nd Trimester

Baby - Sex is developed, begins to hear, and footprints are formed / Mom - Darkening Skin, Thick/Shiny Hair

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3rd Trimester

Baby - Eyes open, pink skin, and develops bones and muscles / Mom - Yellowish fluid leaking,Weight gain

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1st stage of labor

Dilated cervix , Strong close together contractions

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2nd stage of labor

Pressure as baby's head moves, Crowning , Full dilation

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3rd stage of burth

BIRTH, Umbilical cord is cut

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What is a Cesarean Section

Surgical incision to the abdomen to remove the fetus.

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Why would a pregnant woman need one

Multiple children at one time, Medical problems , Baby has abnormal heart rate , Baby is too large, Mom is HIV positive, breech birth

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  • Checks baby's heart rate, muscles and other aspects of the baby

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Postpartum Period

six week period after birth for bonding and recovering

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  • Bias assumption about a group of people

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Gender Identity

  • Personal sense of one's gender

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  • When biological sex and gender identity doesn't match

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Sexual Harassment

  • Any unwanted sexual attention (usually verbal)

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Acquantaince Rape

  • Rape committed by someone the victim knows, but not well

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B. What influences gender roles and stereotypes

Parents/family/ friends/peers /Religion / Social media/pop culture /School

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C. The steps involved in dealing with sexual harassment are..

  1. Recognize that it is harassment 2. Be CLEAR and tell the person to stop 3. Report the situation 4. Keep records

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D. Steps to take if one is raped are..

  1. Tell a trusted person 2. Get medical attention 3. Do not shower/bathe/eat or drink 4. Report it to the police

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E. The effects of date rape drugs. How you can prevent getting drugged

Do not leave drink unattended , Do not accept drinks from strangers

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F. What is consent

Consent is to willingly and freely give permission to or be in agreement with. Both parties need to..

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Requirements of consent

Be conscious and sober, Be of age , Be equally free to act, Clearly communicate intent.

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G. List three warning signs of dating abuse

Controlling behavior, Displaying jealousy and abusiveness, Blames significant other for their own behavior

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Define abstinence

Abstinence is the absence or restrainment of participating in sexual intercourse.

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Birth control pill

A pill that adds chemicals similar to hormones to stop the release of an egg and weaken the sperm.

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Contraceptive Implant

A soft rod placed under the skin in the upper arm that releases hormones into the system.

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Vaginal ring

A soft and flexible ring ring inserted and left in the vagina for 3 weeks that absorbs hormones.

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The "Shot"

Female is given a shot that represents hormone injections one time every 3 months.

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Intra-Uterine Device (IUD)

A small plastic "T" inserted into the uterus that releases progestin hormone which changes cervical mucus, fallopian tubes and the uterine lining.

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Chemicals that go into the vagina which kills sperm.

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The man takes his penis out of the vagina before he ejaculates into the woman.

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Male condom

A thin latex covering that unrolls over an erect penis which is put on before genital contact.

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Female condom

A soft pouch that is inserted in the vagina and stays outside partially covering the labia.

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E. What contraception is most recommended for teenagers?

Teenagers are more likely to use condoms. Not only are they cheap, but they are extremely accessible. They are sold over the counter with many different varieties.

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Risk factors of having a high risk pregnancy

Pre-existing health conditions (such as diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid disorders), History of miscarriages or previous high-risk pregnancies, Multiple gestation (carrying twins, triplets, etc.), Infections during pregnancy (such as HIV, cytomegalovirus, or Zika virus), Genetic factors (such as chromosomal abnormalities or family history of genetic disorders), smoking, drugs

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Why do teens get pregnant?

Need to feel loved, Lack of contraction knowledge, Pressure by boyfriend or friends, To rebel from parents, Failure of contraception, Low self-esteem, Failure to communicate, Health and social consequences of teen pregnancy, Lack of income, Drop out of school, Lack of support by loved ones, Loss of friends, Lack of social life, Single parenthood

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B. Three ways to prevent STDs?

Peeing, showering, and staying sober (for men), Not having sex until partner is cleared from disease, Use a condom

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C. How are STD's spread?

STDs are spread through bodily contact fluids such as Semen, Blood, Breast-milk, Vaginal fluid, Rectal fluid

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D. The stages of infection (specifically when does HIV become AIDS?)

  1. Asymptomatic HIV Flu-like symptoms within the first few weeks of being infected, Lasts more than 10 years without symptoms, 2. Advanced HIV Infection, Symptoms include extreme fatigue, deep drying coughing, shortness of breath, bleeding, rapid weight loss, yeast infections, and swollen glands., 3. AIDS -Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Diagnosed when t-cell count is below 200 or one is diagnosed with opportunistic infection like pneumonia., Symptoms include frequent diarrhea, blindness, shortness of breath, and frequent infection, Once acquired, it is premature death

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E. How does treatment for HIV work?

There's no actual cure for HIV yet, but there are preventative measures. (treatments) It uses antibiotics to prevent the bacteria from spreading.

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Risk behaviors that may transmit the virus (stoplight activity) List behaviors from the red category.

Unprotected anal and oral sex, Breastfeeding with a mom that has HIV, Having sex with multiple people w/o protection,Receiving a blood transfusion, Tattooing with unsterile needles

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