topic 4: the uk's evolving physical landscape
storm hydrographs
to measure a river's flow and show the change in river discharge over a short period of time after a storm
record of river discharge over a period of time
river discharge
cross sectional area x river mean (average) velocity
the amount of water in a river at any given point and time
what is discharge measured in?
cumecs (cubic metres per second)
speed of a river
what is velocity measured in?
lag time
the time taken between peak rainfall and peak discharge
rising limb
shows the increase in discharge on a hydrograph
falling limb
shows the return of discharge to normal / base flow on a hydrograph
peak rainfall
maximum rainfall (mm)
peak discharge
maximum discharge (cumecs)
base flow
normal discharge or flow of the river
list five factors influence the storm hydrograph
vegetation, urbanisation, intensity and duration of rain, saturated soil, climate, drainage basin size
why would vegetation influence the storm hydrograph?
influences the amount of rain intercepted more vegetation means more interception, so it takes longer/less water reaching the ground and therefore the river
why would urbanisation influence the storm hydrograph?
more impermeable surfaces so therefore there is no infiltration to rapid run-off which means the peak flow is achieved quickly
why would the intensity and duration of rain influence the storm hydrograph?
in a downpour the ground isn't able to abosorb the water quickly enough therefore the water reaches the river quickly
why would saturated soil influence the storm hydrograph?
this has absorbed as much water as it can therefore anymore water will run-off, reaching the water quickly
why would the climate influence the storm hydrograph?
extremes in weather e.g in winter the ground will freeze, so the water cannot infiltrate the ground causing rapid run-off
why would the drainage basin size influence the storm hydrograph?
if it's a large area it will have more land to drain and therefore more water
storm hydrograph