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Julius Caesar
Roman general who has defeated his rival Pompey and seems destine to be crowned King of Rome
Caesar's wife. She tries to prevent him from going to the Capitol on the day of his murder
Marcus Brutus
A senator, chief prelate (judge) and second in power after the consul. He is a friend of Caesar but joins the conspiracy because he loves Rome more than his friendship. Acknowledge by all as a noble Roman. He practices the philosophy of stoicism
Brutus' wife, sister of Cassius and daughter of Cato. Very strong woman willing to even take her life when she realizes that Brutus' quest is doomed
Caius Cassius
Brutus' brother in law. An excellent judge of character. Argues that Antony should also be eliminated and later that he should not speak at Caesar's funeral- both times overruled by Brutus. Genuinely loves Brutus. Commits suicide when he mistakenly believes Brutus has been defeated. A conspirator who succeeds in recruiting Brutus to their plot
A senator and shrewd member of the conspiracy. He is the first one to stab Caesar
Conspirator who leaves the letters in places where Brutus will find them
Decius Brutus
he has the gift of flattery and persuades Caesar to attend the Capitol on the Ides of March. He interprets Calpurnia's dream in a positive manner and tells Caesar that the senate is to offer him the crown
Calus Ligarius
The last member of the conspiracy who meets with Brutus
Metellus Cimber
He gains Caesar's attention by asking for a pardon for his banished brother, thus allowing the other conspirators to surround Caesar and stab him
He lured Antony from the senate allowing the others time to stab Caesar
A senator and famous orator. The triumvirs have him executed
A senator who also arrives to take Caesar to the Capitol. He is not part of the plot and is shocked at the assassination. It is he who is sent out to the citizens with the message that no one else will be harmed
Popilius Lena
A senator who wishes Cassius well as they approach the senate leading to speculation that their plot has been betrayed
Marullus and Flavius
Two tribunes who were supporters of the late Pompey and who were "put to silence" for defacing statues of Caesar
Mark Antony
A good friend of Caesar but reputedly more interested in pleasurable pursuits. He is an excellent orator who uses this skill to incite the people of Rome to rebellion when he speaks over the body of Caesar. He later becomes one of the