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April 14th 1955 to April 18th 1955
Bandung Conference
1 - 6 September 1961
Belgrade Conference
October 1962
Cuban Missile Crisis
1911 Revolution
Established the 1st Republic of China (1911 – 1949)
1st October 1949
Mao Revolution that puts an end to the Republic and beginning of communism. Mao became the leader of CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Mao wanted to follow a 3rd way policy between a capitalist and a communist regime (communist collectivism with a one party dictatorship)
24 October 1951
17 point agreement
Chinese Civil War
1949 – 1958
Program of industrial modernisation of China + 1st 5 year plan implemented in 1953
Alliance treaty with Stalin
1958 – 1962
“Great Leap Forward” policy
1958 – 1963
Sino-Soviet Split
Development of the military power + growing influence on neighbouring countries which led to the Sino-Soviet Conflict (1965)
Nuclear Bomb developed as the project 596
1966 – 1969
Cultural Revolution => wanted to modernise by giving up all traditions and repression of anti-communist people
5th of March 1953
Death of Stalin. It accelerated negotiations in Korea and opened a succession crisis at the head of the Soviet communist party. Kruschev became the leader of USSR in 1956.
1949 USSR
USSR 1st successful atomic bomb in Kazakhstan => consolidated USSR’s block
Warsaw Pact (military organisation of the Eastern Block)
21 July 1969
2 American astronauts walked on the moon for the 1st time, event broadcasted live on TV all across the world => strengthen US
1962 – 1975
Détente —> relaxation of the relation between US and USSR through verbal communication
1972 Germany
Willy Brandt, chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany, was the 1st to recognise German Democratic Republic => Ospolitik = politic of Détente
July – August 1975
Last Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) in Helsinki, signature of the Helsinki Agreements => principles to establish security in Europe, promote cooperation, respect of existing borders, right of people to self-determination, non-interference in states’ external affairs.
2 September 1945
Ho Chi Minh declared the independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (Viet Minh) with Hanoi as capital the day of Japanese troops withdrawal
Independence of Laos
Independence of Cambodia
March – May 1954
Departure of French Forces
21st of July 1954
Geneva Accords => Indochina = 3 independent countries Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia, end of Indochina War
1955 – 1963
Presidency of Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam
Creation of Viet-Cong/ NLF (National Liberation Front) in order to stop Diem and his government
January 1963
NLF won Ap Bac Battle
February 1963
Start of the American implication because they feared the spread of rapid communism on South-East Asia => Domino theory + most important years 1963 – 1968
November 1963
A small part of the South Vietnamese army murdered Diem. Assassination backed by CIA but without JFK’s consent
August 1964
Gulf of Tonkin main assault
March 1965
1st American troop sent ≈200 000 troops sent by the end of the year => block the access to the Ho Chi Minh Trail, communication and attack
1965 – 1968
US army intensified bombing in North Vietnam and used 2 chemicals (napalm and agent orange) causing massive fires and terror
31st of January 1968
Tet Offensive
27th of January 1973
Paris Peace Agreement but the war continued for 2 years between different Vietnamese factions