PT631 Therapeutic Exercise I, Oregon Tech
This self-stretch is for?
Biceps Brachii
To self-stretch the Biceps Brachii, what movements do you need to do?
This self-stretch is for?
Triceps Brachii
To self-stretch the Triceps Brachii, what movements do you need to do?
This self-stretch is for?
Wrist Flexors
To self-stretch the Wrist Flexors, what movements do you need to do?
Extend the elbow, supinate the forearm, extend the wrist, and relax the fingers.
This self-stretch is for?
Finger Flexors
To self-stretch the Finger Flexors, what movements do you need to do?
Extend the elbow, supinate the forearm, extend the wrist, and extend the fingers.
This self-stretch is for?
Wrist Extensors
To self-stretch the Wrist Extensors, what movements do you need to do?
Extend the elbow, pronate the forearm, flex the wrist, and relax the fingers.
This self-stretch is for?
Finger Extensors
To self-stretch the Finger Extensors, what movements do you need to do?
Extend the elbow, pronate the forearm, flex the wrist, and flex the fingers.
When are isometric exercises performed?
When initiating a resistive exercise program or when joint movement is prohibited.
What is the order of progression for isometric exercise Rx?
Mid-range → inner range → outer range
When are isometric exercises discontinued?
Once patients are able to perform isometrics in all ranges (mid-inner-outer) of motion they may progress to isotonic exercises (isometrics → isotonics).
This isometric elbow exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the elbow flexors.
This isometric elbow exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the elbow extensors.
This isometric forearm exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the forearm pronators.
This isometric forearm exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the forearm supinators.
This isometric wrist exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the wrist flexors.
This isometric wrist exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the wrist extensors.
This isometric wrist exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the wrist radial deviators.
This isometric wrist exercise is called what?
Isometric contraction of the wrist ulnar deviators.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of the elbow flexors.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of the elbow extensors.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of the elbow extensors.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of the forearm pronators.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of the forearm supinators.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of the wrist flexors.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of the wrist extensors.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of wrist ulnar deviators.
These 2 isotonic exercises are called what?
Isotonic contraction of wrist radial deviators.
This isotonic exercise is called what?
Isotonic contraction of wrist extensors.
This isotonic exercise is called what?
Isotonic contraction of wrist flexors.
This isotonic exercise is called what?
Isotonic contraction of wrist radial deviators.
This isotonic exercise is called what?
Isotonic contraction of wrist ulnar deviators.
This isotonic exercise is called what?
Isotonic contraction of finger flexors.
This isotonic exercise is called what?
Isotonic contraction of finger extensors.