Starts out pretty small–mostly small bronzes Fairly stylized Human figures disappear for 300 years or so but then come back Coaligns with the creation of the Greek Polis CONCEPTUAL: ARTISTS PORTRAY SUBJECTS IN TERMS OF CLEARLY ARTICULATED COMPONENT PARTS
Geometric Horse
8th c. BCE
Est. of clearly defined sanctuaries for practice of cult 9th and 8th c. BCE!!
Prior to this, we do not have a lot of architecture in the mainland post Mycenaeans that is clearly set aside for cult worship
Bulls (substitutes of sacrifice), horses (heroic/artistic associations) popular
Snodgrass: raw and
Raw: personal items of some value
Individual features depicted through geometric approximations (just enough detail to make it recognizable)
Olympic games founded in 776 BCE
Geometric Tripod cauldron with Horse Protomes
8th c. BCE
Tripods given to victors of the olympic games
Tripod cauldrons: ring handles decorated with horses, occasionally helmeted human figures
Protome: figured extensions projecting from rims of cauldrons and other metal vessels
Prizes in athletic competitions – elite status
Heroic/aristocratic imagery
Rise of Panhellenic sanctuaries (ex: Olympia, Delphi) alongside rise of polis
Shared separation of elites
Agnostic: competitive
Social stratification definitely becomes more apparent in this period, can see it in votives
Geometric Group of Man and Centaur
Ca. 750–700 BCE
Could be hercules and the centaur Nessos?
Similar early depictions of Herakles with sword, belt, helmet
So mythological episodes being produced in statuary? Crazy
Multi–figured bronze votives from Olympia
Some inspired by mythological episodes
Originally inlaid eyes
Centaur is a human with a horse’s back legs
Bronze Warrior from Karditsa
Ca. 700 BCE
Rise of warrior class
Wicker impressions added to shield
Light helmet, belt, spear in right hand (missing)
Emphasis on joints, skinny waist, flat chest
Increasing interest in facial features
Increased detail