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negating quantifiers
equivalent to the opposite quantifier with a negated predicate
how to verify two propositions are equivalent
prove one proposition implies the other and vice versa
rational numbers
can be written in the form n/d
proof by cases
split all logical possibilities into disjoint cases and prove these cases cover all possibilities. prove each case implies the proposition
proof by contrapositive
turn a proposition of the form P → Q into NOT Q → NOT P, which is logically equivalent. this is useful for proving the converse of IFF statements and proving propositions involving rational numbers
proof by contradiction
assume the proposition is false and prove how this assumption leads to falsehood. NOT P → F. Useful for proving propositions involving rational numbers, and proving uniqueness. Use as a last resort.
proofs with irrational numbers
rearrange the proposition so it does not claim a number is irrational, but rather rational
proof by induction
first prove the base case where n is the lowest is can possibly be (typically 1). the assume the inductive hypothesis of P(n), taking the inductive step, and prove that if P(n) is true, that P(n+1) is true. This is used for proving propositions of the form “For all n, P(n)”
strong induction
A type of induction where the inductive step assumes all values up to n are true, rather than just n being true.
a predicate that is true for all states over all transitions throughout the lifetime of a state machine. invariants only tell us what is unreachable, not necessarily what is reachable
a number c is a combination of two other numbers a,b if there exists integers x,y such that c=xa+yb
facts about combinations (3)
combinations of combinations of initial numbers are also combinations of those initial numbers
if d divides a and b, then d divides all combinations of a and b
the gcd of a and b is a combination of a and b
euclid’s slgorithm
E(n,d) where n>=d>=0
if d=0, return n
otherwise, write n=qd+r where q is as large as possible while keeping r positive. Return E(d,r)
extended euclid’s algorithm
used to find the combination of n and d equaling their gcd. X(n,d) where n>=d>=0
if d=0, return (1,0)
otherwise, return n=qd+r having q as large as possible while r remains possible. Get (s,t) from X(d,r), and return (t, s-(q*t))
represented as y mod x, it returns the positive remainder y when divided by x. for negative numbers, consider that you must always move right to get the remainder
modular addition
done by adding the modulus of each addend together, and then getting the modulus of that
congruent modulo
written as a ≡ a’ (mod n) if a mod n = a’ mod n. a and a’ have the same remainder when divided by n
facts about congruency (3)
two numbers are congruent if n divides a-a’
if a ≡ a’ (mod n) and b ≡ b’ (mod n), then
a + b ≡ a’ + b’ (mod n)
ab ≡ a’b’ (mod n)
n is even translates to n ≡ 0 (mod 2), odd translates to n ≡ 1 (mod 2)
modular multiplication
done by multiplying the modulo of each factor together and then taking the modulo of that product
modular exponentiation
given ae mod n, if e is large enough use Power(a,e,n)
if e = 1, return a mod n
if e is even, return Power(a2 mod n, e/2, n)
if e is odd, return a Power(a, e-1, n)mod n
modular division
you can find the multiplicative inverse of a divisor using X(n,a) if 1<=a<=n-1 and the gcd(a,n)=1. The inverse of a’ is s mod n, where s is from sa + tn from X(n,a)
fermat’s little theorem
assume n is prime. then xn ≡ x (mod n) for every n